Ministerul Sănătăţii Anexă din 16/09/2010 Intrare In Vigoare

Ministerul Sănătăţii Anexă din 16/09/2010 Intrare In Vigoare

Ministerul Sănătăţii Anexă din 16/09/2010 Intrare In Vigoare


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70. Van Kralingen KW, Ivanyi B, Van Keimpema ARJ, Venmans BJW, De Visser M, Postmus PE. Sleep complaints in<br />

postpolio syndrome. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 1996; 77: 6<strong>09</strong>-611.<br />

71. Hsu AA, Staats BA. _Postpolio_ sequelae and sleep-related disordered breathing. Mayo Clinic Procee<strong>din</strong>gs 1998;<br />

73: 2<strong>16</strong>-224.<br />

72. Gami AS, Caples SM, Somers VK. Obesity and obstructive sleep apnea. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of<br />

North America 2003; 32: 869-894.<br />

73. Janssens J-P, Derivaz S, Breitenstein E, et al. Changing patterns in long-term noninvasive ventilation: a 7-year<br />

prospective study in the Geneva Lake Area. Chest 2003; 123: 67-79.<br />

74. Heim M, Yaacobi E, Azaria M. A pilot study to determine the efficiency of lightweight carbon fibre orthoses in the<br />

management of patients suffering from post-poliomyelitis syndrome. Clinical Rehabilitation 1997; 11: 302-305.<br />

75. Perry J, Clark D. Biomechanical abnormalities of postpolio patients and the implications for orthotic management.<br />

Neurorehabilitation 1997; 8: 119-138.<br />

76. Packer TL, Martins I, Krefting L, Brouwer B. Activity and post-polio fatigue. Orthopedics 1991; 14: 1223-1226.<br />

77. Nollet F, Beelen A, Prins MH, et al. Disability and functional assessment in former polio patients with and without<br />

postpolio syndrome. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 1999; 80: 136-143.<br />

78. Stanghelle JK, Festvag LV. Postpolio syndrome: a 5 year follow-up. Spinal Cord 1997; 35: 503-508.<br />

79. Thoren-Jonsson A-L. Coming to terms with the shift in one's capabilities: a study of the adaptive process in persons<br />

with poliomyelitis sequelae. Disability & Rehabilitation 2001; 23: 341-351.<br />

80. Gonzalez H, Khademi M, Andersson M, et al. Prior poliomyelitis-IvIg treatment reduces proinflammatory cytokine<br />

production. Journal of Neuroimmunology 2004; 150: 139-144.<br />

ANEXA Nr. 20<br />

Ghidul EFNS/Peripheral Nerve Society pentru managementul<br />

neuropatiilor demielinizante paraproteinemice: Raportul Grupului<br />

Comun de Lucru al EFNS şi al Peripheral Nerve Society<br />

R.D.M. Hadden^a, E. Nobile-Orazio^b, C. Sommer^c, A. Hahn^d, I. Illa^e, E. Morra^f, J. Pollard^g, R.A.C. Hughes^h,<br />

P. Bouche^i, D. Cornblath^j, E. Evers^k, C.L. Koski^l, J.M. Leger^m, P. Van den Bergh^n, P. van Doorn^o, I.N. van<br />

Schaik^p<br />

___________<br />

^a Department of Neurology, King's College Hospital, London, UK;<br />

^b Department of Neurological Science, University of Milan, Milan, Italy;<br />

^c Department of Neurology, University of Wurzburg, Wurzburg, Germany;<br />

^d Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada;<br />

^e Department of Neurology, Hospital Sta. Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain;<br />

^f Department of Haematology, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy;<br />

^g Department of Medicine, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia;<br />

^h Department of Clinical Neurosciences, King's College, London School of Medicine, London, UK;<br />

^i Department of Neurophysiology, CHU Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris, France;<br />

^j Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA;<br />

^k Lay Member, Guillain-Barre Syndrome Support Group of the UK, Sleaford, UK;<br />

^l Department of Neurology, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA;<br />

^m Department of Neurology, Faculte de Medecine Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris, France;<br />

^n Department of Neurology, Clinique Universitaire St-Luc, Brussels, Belgium;<br />

^o Department of Neurology, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rott erdam, The Netherlands; and<br />

^p Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.<br />

Cuvinte cheie: demielinizare, ghiduri, MAG (glicoproteina asociată mielinei), gamapatie monoclonală, neuropatie,<br />

paraproteină, POEMS, tratament.<br />


Neuropatiile asociate cu paraproteine au heterogenitate clinică, neurofiziologică, neuropatologică şi hematologică.<br />

Obiective: Redactarea ghidurilor de consens bazate pe dovezi pentru managementul clinic al pacienţilor cu neuropatie<br />

demielinizantă paraproteinemică. Metode: Căutarea în MEDLINE şi biblioteca Cochrane pentru revizuirea datelor de<br />

evidenţă şi consens despre acest subiect.<br />


În absenţa datelor adecvate, recomandările bazate pe evidenţe nu s-au putut stabili, dar au fost emise recomandări de<br />

bună practică medicală: (1) Pacienţii cu NDP trebuie investigaţi pentru o discrazie celulară plasmatică malignă. (2)<br />

Paraproteina este mai probabil să cauzeze neuropatia dacă este IgM, iar anticorpii sunt prezenţi în ser sau la biopsie,<br />

sau dacă fenotipul clinic este de neuropatie senzitivă distală cronică. (3) Pacienţii cu NDP IgM de obicei au afectare<br />

predominant distală şi senzitivă, cu prelungirea latenţelor motorii distale şi frecvent anticorpi antiMAG. (4) NDP IgM<br />

răspunde uneori la imunoterapie. Beneficiul trebuie pus în balanţă cu reacţiile adverse şi progresia de obicei lentă a bolii.<br />

(5) NDP IgG şi IgA nu pot fi diferenţiate de polineuropatia cronică inflamatorie demielinizantă (PCID) <strong>din</strong> punct de vedere<br />

clinic, electrofiziologic şi al răspunsului terapeutic. (6) Pentru sindromul POEMS trebuie luate în considerare iradierea<br />


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