6. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı [1990] - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

6. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı [1990] - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

6. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı [1990] - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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2. We ha<strong>ve</strong> added l lZ years to the early end of the Gordion MasterChronology. The estimated gap between the Gordion Iron Age chronologyand the 677-year Middle Bronze Age chrolonogy is about 20-30 years. Whenthat is filled, we should ha<strong>ve</strong> a continuous chronology about 1625 yearslong, running from the 24th to the 8th centuries RC.3. Se<strong>ve</strong>ral new cores and cross-sections preser<strong>ve</strong> the bark, and we arecertain that MMT Relati<strong>ve</strong> Date 1764 is indeed the cutting year for the tumuluslogs (see the bar-graph in Fig. 5). The absolute dates are approximatelymid-17 th century to the 3rd / 4th quarter of the 8th century RC.Our second major accomplishment at Gordion, now that a full programof exeavation is underway, was the collection of substantial amounts (55bags) of charcoal from Terrace Building 2A, from the Burnt Reed and PlasterBuilding, and from the earliest Middle Phyrgian cellar. Terrace Building2A crossdates with the Iong Gordion master chronology and has a last preser<strong>ve</strong>dring i i i years before the cutting date of the big tumulus with an unknownnumber of rings lost to the action of the fire which destroyed the TerraceBuilding. The Gordion staff assure us that they will continue to sa<strong>ve</strong>all their fragile bits of charcoal on the chance that bark will some day appear.TB2A is now surely the most thoroughly sampled locus (at least dendrochronologically)on the entire Gordion city mound with 125crossdated fragınentsfrom 63 trees (out of 256 fragmcnts collected) forming a chronology333 years long.Porsuk: From the Old Kingdom Hittite period just at or before the beginningof the Gordion ring-sequence we ha<strong>ve</strong> 32 new charcoal sections, amix ofjuniper and cedar, from the French excavations at Porsuk / Ulukışlanorth of the Cilician Gates. The Porsuk sequence built during 1989-<strong>1990</strong>is 321 years long and is part of the Middle Bronze Age chronology as publishedin Studies in Honor of Tahsin Özgüç, o<strong>ve</strong>rlapping at its early end bothAcemlıüyük and Kü1tepe. At least 29 of the 54 dated pieces preser<strong>ve</strong> the bark.One ofthe parallel timbers in two rows which ser<strong>ve</strong>d as a foundation for thestones of the postern gate, surınounted by mudbrick, is shown in Fig, 6being wrapped in soft string at the time of collection and in Fig. 7 as it looksnow in the laboratory. The terminal ring is visible all along the arc on thetop of the picture, and the bark shows up as a matt black smudge next tothe shiny latewood. On a number of the Porsuk sections the last 6-7 yearsbefore the bark ha<strong>ve</strong> abnormally large growth, suggesting that a cutting andtherefore a? construetion program was underway se<strong>ve</strong>ral years before thepostern gate was built. The posterrı has two phases: the inner or eastern portionwas built i 69 years after the construction of the palaces at Acemhüyük,131

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