Pobierz - Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej

Pobierz - Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej

Pobierz - Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej


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Przegląd Morski (The Navy Review)<br />

Dear Readers,<br />

in this issue of “Przegląd Morski” (“The Navy Review”), the opening article<br />

is by the Polish Navy commander who emphasizes the need to improve methods<br />

to maintain navy training at the highest possible level. For our fleet to complete<br />

its tasks, allied responsibilities included, its combat potential must be constantly<br />

improved. Defense minister meets these challenges, presenting outlines for<br />

a concept of the naval combat potential up to 2030.<br />

Capt Robert Chądzyński (Military Police) writes about changes in arms policy<br />

in the Russian Federation, and discusses new Russian security policy priorities<br />

for upcoming years. The policy includes such issues as research and<br />

development on armament, army modernization and modern armament<br />

procurement (including foreign purchases).<br />

LtCdr Grzegorz Kolański writes about arms race in Southeastern Asia. The main sate with dynamically<br />

growing economy and increased activity on international arena is China. A sudden growth in defense budget<br />

of China translates into increased combat potential of its armed forces, particularly the navy. A growth of the<br />

latter one is under careful observation of neighboring states that are trying to modernize their own navies.<br />

Capt (N) (Ret) Stanisław Wielebski continues his series on building ships by national industry for the needs<br />

of the naval forces since 1918 until today. He indicates the attitude of politicians to the Navy in various political<br />

conditions, and emphasizes how a ship can be a result of a compromise between set goals and current technical<br />

and economic potential.<br />

LtCdr Tomasz Witkiewicz features submarines and a new offer of South Korean Daewoo Shipbuilding and<br />

Marine Engineering company that offers a modernized German Type 209 submarine. The writer features<br />

structure, equipment and the use of this type of a ship, assessing its potential in the Polish Navy’s arsenal (as<br />

a follower of the Kobben ship).<br />

Zofia Grodzińska-Klemetti interviews a commander of the Finnish Navy who paid a visit to the Polish Navy.<br />

The commander reflects on the impact of economic situation on the naval arsenal as well as discusses training<br />

system in time of crisis.<br />

Last but not least, there are articles by Cdr Maciej Nałęcz reviewing the news and innovations in the naval<br />

forces of other states as well as by Cdr Krzysztof Kubiak on little Cuban crisis in 1962.<br />

Enjoy reading! Editorial Staff<br />

Tłumaczenie: Anita Kwaterowska<br />

Warunki zamieszczania prac<br />

Materiały (w wersji elektronicznej) do „Przeglądu Morskiego” prosimy przesyłać na adres: Wojskowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Aleje<br />

Jerozolimskie 97, 00-909 Warszawa lub przeglad-sz@zbrojni.pl. Opracowanie musi być podpisane imieniem i nazwiskiem<br />

z podaniem stopnia wojskowego i tytułu naukowego. Należy również podać numery: NIP, PESEL, dowodu osobistego oraz konta<br />

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Zastrzega sobie przy tym prawo do dokonywania poprawek stylistycznych oraz skracania i uzupełniania artykułów bez naruszania<br />

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122<br />

przegląd morski

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