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588<br />

Sick expenditure 279<br />

Silver, production 523<br />

Small-holdings 72<br />

-, index number of building costs 232<br />

Soap, import and export . 153<br />

-, production 106, 110<br />

-, supply 211<br />

Social condition 278-292<br />

Social weltare expenditure<br />

278-279, 360, 367, 386, 396<br />

Social work schools 330<br />

Societies, taxes on 402-408<br />

Soyabeans, production 516<br />

Spirits, consumption 213<br />

-, import and export 149-150<br />

-, licences 137<br />

-, price index 227-228<br />

-' production 108-109<br />

-, taxes 363, 408<br />

Stamp duty 363<br />

-, on cigarettes 363, 419<br />

-, on playing cards 419<br />

State, life assurance institution<br />

270, 272<br />

-, railways 203,<br />

363, 376<br />

-, ports 363, 375, 401<br />

-, prisons 325<br />

Steel, production 521<br />

Still-births 41-42<br />

Stockings, import and export.... 159<br />

-, production 112<br />

Stocks of raw materials etc.. 124-125<br />

Strandings 178<br />

Strikes 314<br />

Students 326-331<br />

Succession, taxes 420<br />

Sugar, consumption 212<br />

-, import and export 139,<br />

531-532<br />

-, price index 228<br />

-, production 106, 108, 514<br />

-, stock 124-125<br />

-, taxes 419<br />

Sugar-confectionaries,<br />

consumption 212<br />

-, import and export 139, 148<br />

-, production 106, 108<br />

Suicides 50-51<br />

Sulphur, production 520<br />

Supply of various goods .... 210-211<br />

Supreme Court 32 1-322<br />

T<br />

Taxes 362-363, 402-422<br />

Tea, import and export.... 146, 532<br />

-, production 515<br />

Teachers 332<br />

Technical schools 371<br />

Technical University 327<br />

Telegraph service . 206-208, 375, 548<br />

-, revenue 207-208,<br />

Telephone service 206, 548<br />

Television 208-2 10<br />

Temperature 3<br />

Tin, import and export 164<br />

-, production 523<br />

-, stock 125<br />

Titled individuals, taxes on 363<br />

Tobacco, production... 106,<br />

109, 515-516<br />

-, stock 124-125<br />

-, supply 210<br />

-, taxes 363, 419<br />

Tonnage of merchant fleets 179,<br />

540-541<br />

Towns 488-496<br />

Tractors 82, 190-191<br />

Trade, foreign 138-178<br />

Trade unions 315-316<br />

Trading areas 16-18<br />

Traffic 178-203<br />

-, accidents 178, 196-199, 203<br />

Transport, and communication<br />

178-210<br />

Transportation equipment... 179,<br />

190-192, 199-201, 203.<br />

540-542, 544, 547<br />

Tuberculosis 50<br />

-, hospitals and sanatoriums 52<br />

Turkeys 77<br />

U<br />

Unemployment 305-3 14<br />

-, expenditure concerning 368<br />

-, insurance funds 279, 293<br />

-, workers insured 293, 306-313<br />

University, of Copenhagen 326<br />

-, of Northern countries 556<br />

-, public accounts 371<br />

-, of Arhus 326, 371<br />

Urban areas 8-12<br />

V<br />

Vacation allowance 298<br />

Vegetables, consumption 212<br />

-, crop 93<br />

-, price index 227-228<br />

-, prices 94<br />

-, production 93<br />

Vehicles 190-193<br />

Veterinary college 327<br />

Vocational, organizations.... 315-316<br />

-, schools 326-330<br />

w<br />

Wage-earners 26-38<br />

Wage regulation index.. 226-22 7,<br />

451, 473-474<br />

Wages, and labour 293-317<br />

-, in agriculture 296<br />

-, in manufacturing 297-302<br />

in shipping 299<br />

-, specification of 297<br />

Water supply 127<br />

Week-end cottage 61<br />

Weights and meassures 560<br />

Welfare of children 280-283<br />

Wheat, area 73, 510<br />

-, crop 76, 511<br />

-, import and export.. 146, 529-530<br />

-, prices 89<br />

-, supply 75<br />

Wholesale, price index<br />

numbers 222-226<br />

Widowers 19, 41, 45<br />

-, assistance to children of 284<br />

Widow's pensions 291<br />

Wind frequency 4<br />

Wine, consumption 213<br />

-, import and export 149<br />

-, production 515<br />

-, taxes 363, 419<br />

Wireless receiving sets 208, 550<br />

Wives' income 432-433<br />

Wood pulp, import and export<br />

156, 533<br />

-, production 517-518<br />

Wool, import and export 157, 534<br />

-, production 517<br />

-, stock 124<br />

-, supply 211<br />

Work stoppages 314<br />

Workers, agriculture 79-81<br />

-, in building and construction<br />

activities 102<br />

-, insurance against accidents 278-279<br />

-, manufacturing etc. 106<br />

-, number 28-38, 106<br />

-, protection 368<br />

-, trade-unions 315-316<br />

Wrecks of ships 178<br />

z<br />

Zink, import and export 164<br />

-, production 522<br />

Zoological gardens 341

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