10.10.2013 Aufrufe





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These hubs and nodes, they said, are so concentrated and yet so connected that eradicating any<br />

sexually transmitted disease requires concentrated efforts at the hubs. As in any computer network -- or a<br />

chain of Christmas lights --interrupting the flow of information or electricity at a hub can cause flows to<br />

cease network wide.<br />

So too, Barabasi and Deszo claim, with AIDS. Slow or stop the disease at a hub, they said, and you<br />

severely reduce its ability to spread anywhere else.<br />

"We are indeed familiar with the results by Barabasi and co-workers and are certainly excited by all the<br />

developments coming out," Luis Amaral told United Press International. "We believe that the new focus<br />

on the possibility of characterizing the structure of networks could help the understanding of epidemics<br />

both for human and animal diseases."<br />

The discovery of this new pattern of epidemic transmission is a major step in a worldwide effort. Amaral<br />

and Stanley revealed humans engage in "scale-free" patterns of intimacy: A very few individuals have the<br />

largest number of sexual contacts.<br />

Sociologists and epidemiologists previously had taken for granted the idea that human sexual activity<br />

followed a standard bell-shaped curve: The largest clusters of people would have an average number of<br />

sexual contacts with very few people engaging in either very few or very many sexual encounters at<br />

either ends of the curve.<br />

Instead, the Boston researchers found a curve that gradually curves upward and keeps rising. Most<br />

surprising, a very few 10 percent of men have 48 percent of all sexual encounters, a pattern more like the<br />

distribution of wealth where 1 percent of people control 95 percent of all assets.<br />

Capitalizing on this discovery, Spanish scientists Yamir Moreno, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras and<br />

Alessandro Vespignani showed that "scale-free" transmission patterns allow even the weakest infective<br />

diseases to spread unchecked. The frightening upshot is that given the scale-free pattern of human<br />

sexual contact, "short of a cure or vaccine available to all, the HIV virus will eventually reach the so far<br />

uninfected segments of the population exposed to the disease," Barabasi explained in a recent paper on<br />

the topic.<br />

Now Barabasi imposes a network architecture on AIDS transmission patterns. "Epidemics spread without<br />

a threshold on a scale-free network thanks to hubs and nodes with an unexpectedly large number of<br />

links," Barabasi said. "Once infected, hubs offer an efficient conduit for disease spreading by reaching an<br />

unusually high percentage of other nodes."<br />

As a result, anything less than attacking the disease at its hub represents random treatments that cannot<br />

contain the epidemic because, Barabasi said, they "leave the scale-free nature of the network unaltered."<br />

Mit Netzwerksimulationen konnte man nachweisen, dass grosse Knoten im<br />

Luftverkehrsnetz, wie London, New York oder Frankfurt, für eine rapide weltweite<br />

Ausbreitung einer Epidemie verantwortlich sind - und das weitest gehend unabhängig<br />

vom Ort des ersten Auftretens eines Krankheitserregers. Dabei ist die Kapazität des<br />

Flughafens an einem Knotenpunkt viel weniger entscheidend als der Grad seiner<br />

Vernetzung.<br />

Strategie der Natur:<br />

Sie Stoffwechselprozesse der Natur müssen sehr stabil sein, daher sind Scale-Free-<br />

Netzwerke häufig anzutreffen.<br />

Bewährte Strukturen sind in den Hubs immer wieder anzutreffen, wie z.B. die<br />

Hämgruppe in Hämoglobin, Myoglobin, Cytochrom, Catalase etc..<br />

Chemie, 6sm<br />


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