12.07.2015 Aufrufe

Rundbrief 2/2004 - Verband für sozial-kulturelle Arbeit eV ...

Rundbrief 2/2004 - Verband für sozial-kulturelle Arbeit eV ...

Rundbrief 2/2004 - Verband für sozial-kulturelle Arbeit eV ...


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Toronto - IFS -KonferenzCity of TORONTONeighbourhoods First DayA Celebration of NeighbourhoodCentresJune 22, <strong>2004</strong>Whereas:Toronto is a city of diverse and vibrant neighbourhoods. It is the collectiveenergy and enthusiasm of people in communities, working togetherthat make our city an inclusive, equitable and safe and caring place tolive, work and play; andWhereas:Neighbourhood Centres mobilize skilled staff and volunteers to shapelocally-directed services and community education initiatives for allresidents, with particular attention to the needs of vulnerable andmarginalized community members; andWhereas:Neighbourhood Centres are important partners that work collaborativelywith the City of Toronto to advance its social development, equityand access, health promotion and anti-discrimination objectives; andWhereas:the social support and connections fostered through NeighbourhoodCentres are building blocks of our civil society. They providefoundations for mutual support, social cohesion and civic engagementin our democratic processes.Now therefore:I, Mayor David Miller, on behalf of Toronto City Council, do herebyproclaim June 22, <strong>2004</strong> as „Neighbourhoods First Day. A Celebrationof Neighbourhood Centres“ to recoynize the invaluable contributionsNeighbourhood Centres make to the life of our City.Mayor David Miller24

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