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Egypt. And the Jews, only just back in Jerusalem from their Babylonian exile, are also subjects of<br />

the Persian monarch.<br />

As to the lands of northern Europe, these are now dominated by a mysterious warrior-race called<br />

the Celts - a race quite as remarkable in their way as the Greeks and Romans. They are artists,<br />

mystics and nature worshippers; they believe that woodlands are full of tiny nature spirits called<br />

fairies. Unlike the Romans, these mighty warriors are dreamers, with a strong tinge of pessimism.<br />

They are now masters of Germany, France and England. The one civilised art they have not yet<br />

acquired is writing, and this explains why we now know so little about them.<br />

This, then, is the world as seen from a space ship in the year 500 B.C., and the visiting scientists<br />

would find it an exciting and intriguing place. We can imagine them compiling a report which runs<br />

something like this:<br />

For reasons not yet determined, the upright creatures on this planet have<br />

entered a sudden phase of accelerated evolution. We can state this with<br />

authority since the simpler and less evolved type still exists in large<br />

numbers, and their mode of existence is primitive. Yet we have also<br />

observed among them thinkers and philosophers who have achieved an<br />

astonishingly high level of abstract thought. This is all the more<br />

remarkable since their technical achievements are unimpressive, except<br />

in mere size, and their scientific insight is almost non-existent.<br />

We theorise that their evolution has been accelerated by acute survival<br />

problems, and that it has proceeded in two directions at once: aggression<br />

and intellectual insight. The aggressiveness means that their more highly<br />

civilised types are almost permanently involved in warfare. Yet their<br />

finest thinkers show a truly remarkable degree of insight and selfknowledge.<br />

It seems to us an interesting question which of the two will<br />

cancel out the other.<br />

Our neuro-physiologist believes he knows why they are so aggressive.<br />

All brains on this planet are bi-compartmented, to permit the creature to<br />

monitor and regulate its conduct through self-criticism. Survival<br />

problems have apparently driven the human creature to go farther than<br />

this, and to devote one half of its brain to scanning the material world for<br />

dangers. The absurd result is that when they have achieved conditions of<br />

peace, in which they can afford to relax, they are unable to switch off<br />

this danger-scanning device, and can only release the tensions thus<br />

created by going out and looking for challenge - i.e. war.<br />

The problem is increased by a robotic learning device, through which<br />

these creatures can store a remarkable amount of information derived<br />

from past experience. Unfortunately, this has become so efficient in the<br />

case of their ‘civilised’ beings that they are at the mercy of their<br />

mechanical reactions, and their intuitive awareness of this makes them<br />

inclined to regard themselves as machines. As we see it, this low level of<br />

self-esteem, combined with an obsessive need to seek excitement in<br />

order to feel fully alive, constitutes the greatest danger faced by this<br />

interesting species.

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