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‘urban guerrillas’ who called themselves the Weathermen were already trying to undermine the<br />

capitalist system with bombs placed at military installations, banks and the offices of big<br />

corporations.<br />

In San Francisco, this idea of total revolution was taken very seriously by a group of ‘hippies’ who<br />

had formed around a charismatic little guitar player named Charles Manson. Born in 1934, Manson<br />

spent his first term in reformatory school at the age of nine. By the time he drifted to San Francisco<br />

in 1967, Manson had spent most of his adult life in jail, mostly for such offences as car theft and<br />

credit-card fraud. He found himself in the midst of the new ‘psychedelic’ culture. The hippies of<br />

the Haight-Ashbury district took LSD, smoked pot, and called themselves ‘flower children’. No<br />

one cared that Manson had been a jailbird; on the contrary, it was regarded as being greatly to his<br />

credit. Manson was older than most of the ‘drop-outs’, and girls seemed inclined to regard him as a<br />

father-substitute figure. Runaways began to gather round him, and soon the Manson menage in the<br />

Haight district seemed to be full of emotionally deprived girls and admiring youths (Manson seems<br />

to have been bisexual). If they had never read Marcuse, they nevertheless practised his idea that sex<br />

could be used as a form of ‘unrepressive sublimation’ to unfold our higher possibilities.<br />

By 1968, Manson was trying hard to move into the pop music business; Manson’s ‘family’ even<br />

moved for a time into the luxury home of a member of a successful group called the Beach Boys.<br />

Manson’s lack of success seems to have made him increasingly embittered. The ‘family’, now<br />

numbering about thirty (and including children) moved out to a ranch owned by an old man named<br />

George Spahn, and lived there in exchange for cleaning out the stables.<br />

With so much drug-taking, violence was inevitable. In July 1969, Manson shot a negro dope-dealer<br />

named Bernard Crowe in the chest; in fact, Crowe recovered and decided not to go to the police.<br />

Later that month, Manson and his friend Bobby Beausoleil tried to persuade another drug-dealer,<br />

Gary Hinman, to finance a move to Death Valley; when Hinman refused, he was tortured, then<br />

stabbed in the chest and left to die. On the wall above his body, Beausoleil wrote ‘Political piggy’<br />

in blood - intended to lead the police to the belief that the Black Panther movement was<br />

responsible.<br />

Manson’s plan was to cause a revolution by setting whites against blacks (whom he detested). On<br />

Friday, 8 August 1969, four Manson disciples - three girls and a man - drove out to a house in<br />

Benedict Canyon which had been rented by a man in the pop music business against whom Manson<br />

had a grudge; in fact, it was now occupied by the film director Roman Polanski and his wife Sharon<br />

Tate. Polanski was in London, but Sharon Tate had three guests to supper, two men and a woman.<br />

Afterwards they took a psychedelic drug and went into various states of dissociation. As the<br />

Manson family members entered the drive, they encountered a youth who had been visiting the<br />

houseboy; he was shot in the head. Then they went into the house and killed Sharon Tate and her<br />

three guests. The men were shot, the women stabbed to death. The word ‘Pig’ was written on the<br />

hall door in blood.<br />

The murders created the sensation Manson had hoped for; the following day, the ‘family’ watched<br />

the television newscasts with satisfaction. By that evening, every gun and guard dog in the Los<br />

Angeles area had been bought up by frantic householders. Manson decided to strike again while the<br />

iron was hot. That evening, after taking LSD, he led six followers to a house in the affluent Los<br />

Feliz district of Los Angeles, the home of a supermarket owner, Leno LaBianca and his wife<br />

Rosemary. Manson walked into their bedroom with a gun and tied them up, then sent in three<br />

followers, who stabbed the LaBiancas to death. They wrote ‘Death to pigs’ in blood on a door, and

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