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I was about twelve years old when I came upon a bundle of magazines tied with string in a secondhand<br />

bookshop - the original edition of H. G. Wells’s Outline of History, published in 1920. Since<br />

some of the parts were missing, I got the whole pile for a few shillings. It was, I must admit, the<br />

pictures that attracted me - splendid full-page colour illustrations of plesiosaurs on a Mesozoic<br />

beach; Neanderthal men snarling in the entrance to their cave; the giant rock-hewn statues of<br />

Rameses II and his consort at Abu Simbel. Far more than Wells’s text, these brought a breathless<br />

sensation of the total sweep of world history. Even today I feel a flash of the old magical<br />

excitement as I look at them - that peculiar delight that children feel when someone says, ‘Once<br />

upon a time ...’<br />

In 1946, Penguin Books republished ten volumes of Wells to celebrate his eightieth birthday,<br />

including the condensed version of the Outline, A Short History of the World. It was in this edition<br />

that I discovered that strange little postscript entitled ‘Mind at the End of Its Tether’. I found it so<br />

frustrating and incomprehensible that I wanted to tear my hair: ‘Since [1940] a tremendous series<br />

of events has forced upon the intelligent observer the realisation that the human story has already<br />

come to an end and that Homo sapiens, as he has been pleased to call himself, is in his present form<br />

played out.’ And this had not been written at the beginning of the Second World War - which might<br />

have been understandable - but after Hitler’s defeat. When I came across the earlier edition of the<br />

Short History I found that, like the Outline, it ends on a note of uplift: ‘What man has done, the<br />

little triumphs of his present state, and all this history we have told, form but the prelude to the<br />

things that man has yet to do.’ And the Outline ends with a chapter predicting that mankind will<br />

find peace through the League of Nations and world government. (It was Wells who coined the<br />

phrase ‘the war to end war’.)<br />

What had happened? Many years later, I put the question to a friend of Wells, the biblical historian<br />

Hugh Schonfield. His answer was that Wells had been absolutely certain that he had the solutions<br />

to all the problems of the human race, and that he became embittered when he realised that no one<br />

took him seriously. At the time, that seemed a plausible explanation. But since then I have come<br />

upon what I believe to be the true one. In 1936, Wells produced a curious short novel called The<br />

Croquet Player, which is startlingly different from anything he had written before. It reveals that<br />

Wells had become aware of man’s capacity for sheer brutality and sadism. The Outline of History<br />

plays down the tortures and massacres; in fact, it hardly mentions them. Wells seems totally devoid<br />

of that feeling for evil that made Arnold Toynbee, in his Study of History, speak of ‘the horrifying<br />

sense of sin manifest in human affairs’. Wells’s view of crime was cheerfully pragmatic. In The<br />

Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind he spoke of it as ‘artificial’, the result of ‘restrictions<br />

imposed upon the normal “natural man” in order that the community may work and exist.’ He<br />

seems quite unaware that the history of mankind since about 2500 B.C. is little more than a nonstop<br />

record of murder, bloodshed and violence. The brutalities of the Nazi period forced this upon<br />

his attention. But it seems to have been the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the revelations<br />

of Belsen and Buchenwald, which convinced him that man was bound to destroy himself from the<br />

beginning, and that ‘the final end is now closing in on mankind’.<br />

I am not suggesting that Wells’s view of history was superficial or wrong-headed; as far as it went,<br />

it was brilliantly perceptive. As a late Victorian, he was aware of the history of mankind as a<br />

marvellous story of invention and achievement, of a long battle against danger and hardship that

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