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Chicago rapist William Heirens began to experience orgasm as he climbed in through a window.<br />

The French gangster Jacques Mesrine turned from fighting rebels in Algeria to armed robbery; the<br />

sharpened awareness produced by danger had become a drug.<br />

So crime is not, as Wells suggested in The Croquet Player, some horrible legacy of our cave-man<br />

ancestry. It is an attempt to compensate for the narrowed awareness produced by split-brain<br />

differentiation; and, in that sense, it springs from the same source as human creativity. Shakespeare<br />

said that the lunatic, the lover and the poet ‘are of imagination all compact’; he could have added<br />

the criminal to the list. It is a mistake to think of the criminal as inhuman - notwithstanding some of<br />

the examples in the previous chapter. He is, on the contrary, more human than the rest of us; he is<br />

more enmeshed in the basic fallacy that makes most human life an unsatisfactory pursuit of will o’<br />

the wisps. We are all victims of the ‘passive fallacy’, the failure to grasp that, where happiness is<br />

concerned, it is the mind itself that provides that final convulsion of achievement.<br />

Crime is, then, a completely mistaken solution to a problem that accompanies all of us from the<br />

cradle to the grave: the problem of personal evolution. But then, as we have seen in the course of<br />

this book, most human solutions tend to be mistaken - from the paradise of the religious fanatic to<br />

the simplistic materialism of the Marxist. The criminal simply goes farther than most of us in<br />

embracing the wrong solution; and, in doing so, provides the rest of us with a flash of insight into<br />

our own stupidity - the recognition that we are making the same mistake, but - fortunately - on a<br />

smaller scale. This is the real justification for the human interest in crime.<br />

We have seen that this is an evolutionary problem. All animals are trapped in physical immediacy.<br />

Man is lucky to have succeeded in achieving some degree of detachment from it. Instinctively he<br />

has concentrated on developing the power of the mind - meaning perception. His problem is that<br />

his very success has retarded his progress. Civilisation has enabled him to ‘rest on his oars’. He<br />

needs challenge or crisis to get the best out of him, but he built civilisation to protect himself from<br />

challenge and crisis.<br />

Is there a way out of this vicious circle? Consider again this basic problem of the ‘dual self. Our<br />

inner-being may be divided, but we still have the two halves inside our heads, and they are<br />

perfectly capable of co-operation - in fact, they do it all the time. As I write these words, my right<br />

brain provides the insights, my left translates them into language. Of course, when I perform some<br />

simpler function - like eating my breakfast - the left hardly plays any part at all; I can even read a<br />

newspaper as I butter my toast.<br />

And this explains how the problem comes about. For if I happen to be eating my breakfast in a<br />

hotel, and there is a noisy and irritating child at the next table, I cease to function quite so smoothly.<br />

What happens is that the child’s noise distracts my attention from the newspaper, and I - the leftbrain<br />

self - begin to get angry. I cease to enjoy my breakfast and may even develop indigestion. My<br />

left brain has interfered with the smooth functioning of my right brain, my ‘robot’ and my<br />

digestion.<br />

And what exactly happens when it interferes in this way? It causes an internal leak of energy.<br />

When I am relaxed and interested in what I am doing, my energies are ‘funnelled’ quietly and<br />

without waste into the effort I am making. The moment my left brain is distracted by some anxiety,<br />

I begin to ‘leak’. And this is civilised man’s basic problem. He ‘leaks’ all the time without even<br />

noticing it. And the leakage keeps his consciousness at a far lower pressure than it is capable of<br />


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