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236<br />


reputed author by the chief supporter of his claims, we<br />

find them indefinitely multiplied. Buhle represents him<br />

as a young man without experience who imagined that the<br />

evils of his country, enormous as they confessedly were,<br />

could be eradicated easily. But if, by courtesy, we allow<br />

that the " Fama Fraternitatis " was published so early as<br />

1612, then Andreas was twenty-six years of age, when a<br />

man of education and travel would be neither inexperienced<br />

nor Utopian.<br />

What, however, is by implication assumed in this hypo-<br />

thesis is that the Rosicrucian manifestoes were written at<br />

the same age as the " Nuptise Chymicae,"<br />

for which there is<br />

not a particle of evidence, and that the object of Andreas'<br />

travels was to find " coadjutors<br />

and instruments for his<br />

designs," which is also wholly unsupported. The scheme<br />

which is fathered upon Andreas is a monstrous and in-<br />

credible absurdity ; it involves, moreover, a pious fraud<br />

which is wholly at variance with the known character of the<br />

supposed author. No sane person, much less a man who<br />

"<br />

looked through the follies of his age with a penetrating<br />

eye," could expect anything<br />

but failure to result from a<br />

gross imposition practised on the members of a projected<br />

association, who being assured of the possession of the<br />

Philosophical Stone, the life-elixir, and initiation into the<br />

secret mysteries of nature, were destined to receive, instead<br />

of these prizes, a barren and impossible commission to re-<br />

form the age. What moral reformation could result from<br />

any scheme at once so odious and impracticable "?<br />

Let us accept however, for a moment, the repulsive hypothesis<br />

of Buhle. Suppose the Rosicrucian manifestoes to have<br />

been written in 1602. Suppose Andreas to have scoured Ger-<br />

many and also to have visited other countries in search of ap-

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