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A chord sheet—no melody.<br />

Working from a Melody<br />

Sometimes you get the melody (in the form of a lead sheet) without chords. All<br />

you have to go from is the melody—no chords, no bass line, no anything else.<br />

A melody sheet—no chords.<br />

What do you do now?<br />

First, don’t panic. Second, remember back to Chapter 10, in which you learned<br />

how to create a chord progression based on a melodic line. That is the skill<br />

from which you need to draw now.<br />

Take the melody you were given and go off by yourself for a half-hour or so.<br />

Play the melody on the piano, and try to figure out what chords sound good<br />

with that melody. If it’s a familiar song, the chords might come easily to you; if<br />

you’ve never heard the song before, you have your work cut out for you. In any<br />

case, apply the rules you learned back in Chapter 10, and write out your own<br />

chord progression for this melody.<br />

Tip<br />

When you’re trying to figure out the chords behind a melody, there are<br />

several different approaches you can take. <strong>The</strong> best approach, as you<br />

learned in Chapter 10, is to try some common chord progressions. See<br />

if I-IV-V fits the melody; if not, try I-ii-V, or I-vi-IV-V, or the “circle of fifths”<br />

progression. Chances are, one of the common chord progressions will fit—or at<br />

least come close.<br />

<strong>The</strong> key thing here is that the chords you write are now your chords. Even if<br />

they’re not quite the established chords for this melody, you can get away with<br />

it by claiming that this is your unique harmonization. You’re at the piano, and<br />

you’re in charge, so what you play must be right!<br />

Now, if you’re playing along with other musicians—perhaps a bass player or a<br />

guitarist—you don’t want to end up with three different sets of chords to this<br />

single melody. If you’re playing in a group, put your heads together and work<br />

out the chord progressions as a group. Heck, maybe one of you actually knows<br />

Chapter 13: Accompanying Melodies 169

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