Saving Fish from Drowning - Heal Burma

Saving Fish from Drowning - Heal Burma

Saving Fish from Drowning - Heal Burma


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AMY TAN<br />

Boxes containing foodstuffs were opened. Some soldiers poked at a<br />

foam sofa that had been compressed and covered in plastic tarp, then<br />

wound in string, and strapped atop a station wagon. A flick of a<br />

knife, and the strings were cut, the tarp sliced through. The sofa was<br />

excised like a tumor, and freed <strong>from</strong> its confines, it expanded until<br />

it seemed impossible that it had ever been in such a small package.<br />

The passengers—three men and a woman—looked nervous and un­<br />

happy. An old woman approached the station wagon, offering eggs<br />

as snacks for sale. The occupants did not look at her. The sofa cush­<br />

ions were unzipped, and hands shot in and brushed back and forth.<br />

The soldiers ordered the people out of the car. As they scrambled to<br />

obey, one soldier barked that they were to stay with the car, not move<br />

away. The soldiers leaned into the car and patted the seats, the floor<br />

pads. They lifted out the backseats and ran their hands up the back<br />

cushion. They violently pried open the side panels on the doors. The<br />

passengers looked as though they were on the verge of either break­<br />

ing down or running for their lives.<br />

And then, all at once, they were told to get back in. One of the sol­<br />

diers grunted, and the driver hurried to start the engine. In a few sec­<br />

onds, the car was gone, heading toward China. Now my friends<br />

could see a sign posted on the side of the checkpoint, written in Chi­<br />

nese, Burmese, Thai, and English: “The penalty for smuggling drugs<br />

is death.”<br />

This made some of my friends wonder whether they had inadver­<br />

tently brought in any illegal substances. The polar fleece vest, Wyatt<br />

remembered, and sat up. Had he searched all the pockets, the secret<br />

ones as well? Was there a forgotten marijuana joint in one of them?<br />

Bennie thought of a bottle into which he had thrown prescription<br />

pills of all kinds, in case of emergencies; some of the pills were Dar­<br />

vocet. Was that related to heroin? Did that count as drug smuggling,<br />

a reason to line him up against a dusty wall and fill him with bullets?<br />


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