Saving Fish from Drowning - Heal Burma

Saving Fish from Drowning - Heal Burma

Saving Fish from Drowning - Heal Burma


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“Anyone?” Dwight said.<br />

Everyone remained silent, hoping he would take the clue that it<br />

wasn’t a reasonable request. But Dwight had never registered silence<br />

as disapproval, just timidity and indecisiveness. He asked Bennie<br />

what he thought: “After all, you are our group leader. In fact, maybe<br />

you should go.”<br />

Bennie thought Dwight had said the words “group leader” with<br />

an excess of sarcasm. And to counter the slight, he wanted to say<br />

he was willing to go. But he had now been without his anti-seizure<br />

medication for more than two weeks. He had experienced some<br />

warnings: flashing lights, phantom smells, and more recently, that<br />

familiar sinking feeling of being pulled down into the earth, of his<br />

mind’s dwindling as if he were becoming smaller yet heavier, shoot­<br />

ing backward straight through the earth’s core and out into hyper­<br />

space. He would get that warning sense of doom, and it took all his<br />

strength and concentration to resist panicking. In the past, some of<br />

these episodes had been auras that heralded the arrival of a more<br />

generalized pattern, the synchronous neuronal firings that spread<br />

throughout the whole brain and led to a grand mal. He felt he was<br />

building up to a big one, and that would make his going into the<br />

middle of nowhere a very bad idea. He could die out there, tumble<br />

off a cliff while unaware, or suffocate in all those sticky plants, while<br />

leeches and gigantic carnivorous ants crawled into his nostrils and<br />

eye sockets. And what if they ran into another tribe who still had a<br />

Stone Age mentality? They might think he was possessed by a bad<br />

spirit and beat him to set him free. He’d read stories of things like<br />

that; he remembered one in particular about an American diver in<br />

Indonesia who swam at night with a headlamp and was clubbed by<br />

fishermen who thought he was a magical manatee.<br />

Before Bennie could respond to Dwight’s suggestion that he go,<br />

Marlena interjected: “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, splitting up<br />

the group like that. What if you didn’t come back when expected—<br />


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