Saving Fish from Drowning - Heal Burma

Saving Fish from Drowning - Heal Burma

Saving Fish from Drowning - Heal Burma


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•15 •<br />


Tonight the ragtag citizens of the jungle were grouped in front of<br />

the television according to the hierarchy of the divine. The<br />

twin gods sat in front, their grandmother between them. Black<br />

Spot, his cousin, and other cohorts squatted in the second tier. The<br />

women and children stood behind, and those with missing limbs sat<br />

off to the side on mats. It was nearly time for the nightly rerun of<br />

Darwin’s Fittest. My forlorn friends had not watched it over the past<br />

days; the demands of malaria had required their total attention.<br />

Black Spot and the old grandmothers motioned that their honored<br />

guests should come join them. Mes amis declined. Instead, as had<br />

become their routine, they seated their morose and silent selves on<br />

logs and stumps by the campfire. Dwight sat next to Bennie. They<br />

had had a rapprochement: Dwight had apologized for taking his ir­<br />

ritations out on Bennie, and Bennie had admitted that he was not ad­

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