ARMENIAN - Erevangala500

ARMENIAN - Erevangala500

ARMENIAN - Erevangala500


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The Turmoil o f a War<br />

That Would Not End<br />

Turks and Armenians between the Treaty o f Brest-Litovsk<br />

(December, 1918) and the Treaties o f Gtimru, Moscow,<br />

and Kars (October, 1921)<br />

Between 1917 and 1918, the collapse o f the Russian<br />

Czar-dom robbed the Western powers o f their great<br />

Eastern ally, thus giving the Central Powers a little<br />

breathing-space. Armenian irregulars continued fighting<br />

on the eastern Anatolian and Egyptian-Arabian fronts<br />

and attacking the Turks, Austrians, and Germans with<br />

rhetoric. During this period, the Armenians became a<br />

factor to be reckoned with in the battle against the<br />

Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and<br />

Germany, who were all putting up a tough defense.<br />

Now, negotiations were finally held that had a certain<br />

real foundation. The concessions made to Czarist Russia<br />

in the Sykes-Picot Agreement had served the Czar's<br />

interests, not those o f the ever-hopeful Armenian<br />

extremists (extremist not only in their political methods,<br />

but also in their exaggerated expectations).<br />

Communist-Bolshevist Russia would long remain an unknown<br />

entity. (No one could have guessed that its politics<br />

would differ in absolutely no way from those o f the<br />

Czars; the Armenians suspected this least o f all!) So after<br />

the collapse o f the Czardom, everything that had been<br />

promised to the Czars in the Sykes-Picot Agreement was<br />

now promised to the Armenians. It was thus reasonable to<br />

expect them to distinguish themselves a little bit more in<br />

the fight against the Ottoman Empire! Lloyd George, in<br />

his well-known flowery style, described Armenia as a<br />

land "soaked with the blood o f innocents". Little did he<br />

know that he was telling the truth but that the blood was<br />

mostly that o f Moslems, who in fact had many more dead<br />

to mourn than the "Christian" Armenians. Lloyd George<br />

was just as much a hypocrite as Wilson and Clemenceau.<br />

They had all picked out a "romantic" victim and then<br />

dropped her by the wayside as soon as she ceased to be<br />

useful.<br />

When the "peace conference" - which was actually nothing<br />

but a dictate-preparation conference - began meeting<br />

in Paris in January of" 1919, it appeared as if the Armenian<br />

extremists' hour had arrived. The Armenians sent two delegations<br />

to the "peace conference". One was led by the<br />

professional emigrant Boghos Nubar, who had been<br />

working towards the dismemberment o f the Ottoman<br />

Empire for many years. The other was from the Republic<br />

o f Armenia (the existence o f which had only been made<br />

possible by the Turks after the Treaty o f Baku on May 28,<br />

1918).<br />

The two delegations immediately began "auctioning" -<br />

outbidding each other in demands for territory and underbidding<br />

each other in rational arguments. They were<br />

apparently confusing politics with a carpet bazaar, where<br />

the important criteria are the pattern, the number o f<br />

square meters, and the age o f the desired item. Their<br />

demands became so excessive that even such inveterate<br />

carpet-lovers as the Allied rulers lost interest in making a<br />

real offer. After all, it did not have to be an Armenian carpet.<br />

Those o f the Turks were much older, more valuable,<br />

and more reliable.<br />

After the Armenian delegation led by Boghos Nubar<br />

started things o ff by demanding an Armenia in eastern<br />

Anatolia, the joint delegation (the group led by Avetis<br />

Aharonian from the Republic o f Armenia had in the<br />

meantime merged with Nubar) worked its way up to territorial<br />

claims stretching from the Black Sea, with Trabzon<br />

as a harbor, all the way to Cilicia.<br />

The Armenian population o f this "Greater Armenia"<br />

would not even have accounted for a fifth o f the total population<br />

o f the region - and that is based on the figures<br />

from 1914! Moreover, even if back then in 1914 the<br />

entire Armenian population o f the world had gathered in eastern<br />

Anatolia, there still would not have been an Armenian<br />

majority in the region.<br />

But so what? In the nineteenth century, the various<br />

Armenian churches had wrestled over who was the "most<br />

Armenian". Later, the Dashnaks and Hunchaks both<br />

wanted to carry o ff the palm in the fight to be the best terrorists.<br />

And now, the delegation from the Republic o f<br />

Only the foundation walls remain o f this village church above<br />

Lake Van in Bakracli Koyii, on the way to Yedikilisse-W arak-<br />

wank.<br />

The authorities are well aware o f the lamentable condition o f<br />

many historical Armenian buildings. There is, however, a far<br />

greater number o f Seljuk and Ottoman buildings in even worse<br />

condition. (In many cases as a result o f the devastation o f the<br />

civil war o f 1915.) These are naturally given priority in any<br />

preservation or restoration project.<br />


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