ARMENIAN - Erevangala500

ARMENIAN - Erevangala500

ARMENIAN - Erevangala500


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under which they operate, the terrorists have in fact<br />

declared war on human society.<br />

In studying the development o f Armenian terrorism, one<br />

is struck by the attitude adopted by some Armenian communities<br />

toward the terrorist scene. This is especially true<br />

in the United States and France, where the Armenians<br />

constitute an important, financially powerful, highly intellectual<br />

element o f public life. Armenian clubs and<br />

associations in these countries are in some cases remarkably<br />

conciliatory, if not openly supportive, towards terrorism.<br />

It has even been known to happen on more than<br />

one occasion that a moment o f silence has been observed<br />

in a public worship service for terrorists who had been<br />

killed or arrested.<br />

Similar expressions o f sympathy and remembrance can<br />

be observed in the secular world. The frame o f mind at<br />

work here cannot be entirely attributed to the fact that<br />

many Armenians are the victims o f terrorist blackmail at<br />

the hands o f their own terror organizations. Much more<br />

important is the exaggerated, largely false understanding<br />

of history, which is mainly propagated by certain newspapers<br />

and periodicals o f the Armenian diaspora. The fact<br />

that one can often find gems like "ONE million dead in<br />

1915" and then perhaps in the same publication "two or<br />

two and a half million victims" does not seem to bother<br />

the editors very much.<br />

Some Armenian intellectuals also show a remarkable<br />

intolerance towards scholars whose view o f history differs<br />

from their own. Professor Justin McCarthy is the<br />

author o f the tremendously important, scientifically<br />

irrefutable work Muslims and Minorities, in which the<br />

true population figures for Anatolia appear for the first<br />

time. He can only hold his lectures with massive police<br />

protection. The version o f historical events presented in<br />

Stanford J. Shaw's History of the Ottoman Empire and<br />

Modern Turkey did not match the picture presented by certain<br />

Armenians. His house was bombed in an attempt to<br />

intimidate him and keep him from publishing further.<br />

This intimidation has reached the point where it is doubtful<br />

whether an Armenian publisher could be found today<br />

for a book like Louise Nalbandian's "The Armenian<br />

Revolutionary Movement". The book is thoroughly pro-<br />

Armenian, but it is also somewhat objective and contains<br />

a few critical words.<br />

The Armenian Terrorist Organizations<br />

The Armenian terrorists use the names o f several different<br />

front organizations in carrying out their attacks. In<br />

spite o f the seemingly bewildering multitude o f acronyms<br />

and pretentious titles, however, everything can in fact be<br />

traced back to ju st two organizations. The oldest<br />

Armenian terrorist organization grew out o f the Dashnak<br />

Party, which had been under the spell o f the Russian anarchists<br />

and ultras from the beginning and reached maturity<br />

in Russian Armenia. The party was a response o f the<br />

extremists to their own unsuccessful efforts to give the<br />

Armenian minority within the Ottoman Empire a state o f<br />

its own. These efforts were actually doomed to failure<br />

from the beginning, given the small percentage o f<br />

Annenians in the eastern Anatolian population.<br />

These first Armenian terrorists bear an uncanny resemblance<br />

to the Shiite suicide squads. (Extensive accounts<br />

can be found elsewhere in this book o f Armenian terrorism<br />

in the Ottoman Empire o f the nineteenth and twentieth<br />

centuries.) Their main heirs from an historical viewpoint,<br />

however, are the JC A G (Justice Commandos o f the<br />

Armenian Genocide).<br />

The terrorist actions o f the JC A G are regarded - as funny<br />

as this may sound - as being carried out by "conservatives".<br />

Their specialty appears to be the assassination o f<br />

Turkish diplomats and their families. A SA LA (Armenian<br />

Secret Army for the Liberation o f Armenia) is, by contrast,<br />

generally considered to be a Marxist terrorist organization,<br />

closely controlled by the Soviet Union. They see<br />

the existence o f an "Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic"<br />

as the ideal and work for the "unification" o f eastern<br />

Anatolia with the A SSR . It is only with some reservations<br />

that the Soviets can condone this objective, since they<br />

worry that a larger Armenia could easily become rebellious.<br />

They support the activities o f the A SA LA anyway,<br />

however, since they are directed against Turkey (which is<br />

also an important partner in the NATO alliance).<br />

For many years, the A SA LA also enjoyed the hospitality<br />

and support o f the Shiite terrorist groups in Lebanon.<br />

There appears to be a special affinity between the Armenian<br />

terrorists and the Shiites. This can be seen in the<br />

willingness (or longing) to die and in the radical nature o f<br />

the attacks, where there is never any indication whatsoever<br />

that the fate o f innocent bystanders has been given<br />

any consideration.<br />

In spite o f this manifest spiritual closeness to the Shiite<br />

conception o f the value o f life (or lack thereof), the<br />

A SA LA has proclaimed in their mouthpiece ARMENIA:<br />

"Our forces never strike against S. S. R. o f Armenia,<br />

w hich is already liberated."<br />

This corresponds entirely to the interests o f the Soviet<br />

Russians. Just like their Czarist predecessors, they want<br />

access to the "warm waters", and that means using all<br />

available means to gain control over eastern Anatolia (as a<br />


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