ARMENIAN - Erevangala500

ARMENIAN - Erevangala500

ARMENIAN - Erevangala500


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Victims, mostly Jewish children, o f a pogrom in Yekatorinoslav<br />

(today's Dnipropetrovsk)<br />

Raphael Lemkin, father o f the artificial word "genocide"<br />

was bom in 1900 in the town o f Bezvodne in Belarus.<br />

The most important factor determining the character o f<br />

his earlier life was the massive and well-planned series o f<br />

persecutions o f the Jews that took place in the Russian<br />

Empire o f the time. The motivation for these persecutions<br />

was not only religious but also purely economic. Envy<br />

has always been a strong motivating force behind perse­<br />

cution, as have religious convictions and fear o f those<br />

who are intellectually superior.<br />

The year 1915 saw the outbreak o f a large-scale uprising,<br />

supported by Russia, o f Ottoman Armenians in eastern<br />

Anatolia. At home, St Petersburg pursued a sophisticated<br />

policy o f misinformation, propagating throughout Russia<br />

reports o f atrocities in the Ottoman Empire that were<br />

either pure fiction or vastly exaggerated. Never, however,<br />

did they waste a single word on the sufferings undergone<br />

by Ottoman Muslims - predictably, because they, along<br />

with Protestant sects from the USA , were the ones who<br />

had been responsible for these sufferings. Their propa­<br />

ganda was intended to distract public opinion from their<br />

own ill deeds.<br />

Like all his compatriots, the young Raphael Lemkin had<br />

no other information about what was going on in the<br />

Ottoman Empire than that propagated by the Russian<br />

misinformers. He was shocked by what he read.<br />

When, a few years later, an Annenian mercenary killer by<br />

the name o f Soghomon Tehlirian (*Kem akh 1896 - JSan<br />

Francisco 1960) assassinated Talaat Pasha on an open<br />

street, this outrage clearly met with the approval o f<br />

Raphael Lemkin, whose story is told as follows by<br />

sources from the Armenian side:<br />

144<br />

"After graduating from a local trade school in Bialystok<br />

he began the study o f linguistics at the John Casimir<br />

University in Lwow.<br />

It was here Lem kin became interested in the case of<br />

Soghomon Tehlirian, an Arm enian who assassinated<br />

the form er Turkish M inister Interior Talaat Pasha in<br />

Berlin, Germ any on M arch 15, 1921 as an act of<br />

vengeance for his role in orchestrating the Armenian<br />

Genocide. Lem kin thought it inconsistent for it to be a<br />

crim e to kill a man but not a crim e to orchestrate the<br />

destuction of an entire people, genocide."<br />

The United States Ambassador Henry Morgenthau with his<br />

closest collaborators. Recognizable in the second row above<br />

the naval attache is one o f Morgenthau's informants, Agop<br />

Andonian, probably a relative o f the forger Aram Andonian,<br />

who fabricated Talaat's "murder orders".<br />

This statement is self-defeating. There is no evidence<br />

whatsoever that either Talaat or Enver Pasha ever gave<br />

orders for killings to take place: all the "documents" pre­<br />

sented to this effect have long since been proved to have<br />

been forgeries made by Aram Andonian, Johannes<br />

Lepsius, or Henry Morgenthau, who has also been shown<br />

to have been entirely under the influence o f the<br />


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