ARMENIAN - Erevangala500

ARMENIAN - Erevangala500

ARMENIAN - Erevangala500


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Epilogue<br />

Armenian terrorism: History is both poison and antidote.<br />

Historians usually contribute little or nothing to discuss­<br />

ions o f present-day terrorism. Middle-East historians<br />

have especially avoided comment on Armenian terrorism,<br />

preferring topics more remote and less likely to shoot<br />

back. However, in considering Armenian violence, his­<br />

tory cannot be ignored, for history is both the cause o f<br />

Armenian terrorism and its only cure. Armenian terrorism<br />

is rooted in a false view o f history. Only by correcting<br />

that view will Armenian terrorism be defeated. I therefore<br />

wish to suggest a method not usually used to combat ter­<br />

rorism: the study o f history.<br />

Each terrorist needs a raison d'etre - a philosophy and a<br />

cause for which he can kill and die. History usually plays<br />

a part in this, both because terrorists often look back to an<br />

idyllic past in which all was well with their people, and<br />

because terrorists almost always remember real or imagined<br />

historical injuries and vow vengeance. But the main<br />

wish o f terrorists is always to free their people from foreign<br />

bondage. That was the case with the Viet Kong, and<br />

that is the case today with the I. R. A. Today's Armenian<br />

terrorists are unique in that history, or at least their version<br />

o f it, is their only real justification. In recent days I.<br />

R. A. seems to be o f "minorr" importance. Same for the<br />

"freedom fighters" o f Sardinia, Kosovo or Spain's problem<br />

with the ETA-separatists. Also the most cruel events<br />

in the Middle East made A nnenia's criminal attack<br />

against Azerbaijan somehow forgotten. But the refugees<br />

from Western Azerbaijan will never forget.<br />

And the Turks will never forget the Armenian ruthless<br />

accusations.<br />

For the Armenian terrorists, there are no people to be "liberated".<br />

The Armenian terrorists have only one cause:<br />

revenge - revenge for what they see as mistakes made by<br />

the other side (the Turks).<br />

I began by stating that the best weapon against Armenian<br />

terrorism is the study o f history. Perhaps it would be more<br />

accurate to say: The best weapon is the truth. Then perhaps<br />

we could make the words o f the late Gregorian patriarch<br />

o f Istanbul Snork Kalutsian might become true:<br />

"M ay all those unhappy events which take place in every<br />

country have an end. May the Peace o f God be with all<br />

people o f good w ill.”<br />


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