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PIANOHBIS. 117<br />

picta, nitida deoseque striata, liaud pellucida, supera facie<br />

planiuscuJa, in medio profunde uinbilicata, inferne concava ;<br />

anfr. 3|-4 tumidis, rotiindatis infra prope suturam profundam<br />

subangulatis ; apertura reniformi perparum obliqua ; labro tenui<br />

f useo vel castaneo ; lamella in pariete aperfcurali tenuissima.<br />

Height 6'25, greatest diameter 16-25 mm.<br />

Hab. Pondicherry and the Coast oi Coromandel.<br />

A very doubtful species.<br />

229. Planorbis Mndu, Clessin.<br />

Planorhis hindu, Clessin, Conch.-Cab. 1885, p. 224, pi. 33, fig. 9.<br />

Original description :—Testa discoidea, depressa, leviter regulariterque<br />

striata, albidula, diapliana, nitida; supra infundibuliforme<br />

concava, infra concava ; anfr. 4, modice celeriter accrescentes,<br />

depresso-rotundati, utrinque siitura modice profunda separati,<br />

inferne ad suturam vix obtuse angulati; ultimus amplus,<br />

penultimo duplo latior; apertura perobliqua, late-lunata;<br />

peristoma acutnm, marginibus callo tenni conjunctis; margine<br />

superiore valde arcuate producto,<br />

Alt. 4, diam. 11 mm.<br />

Hub. India.<br />

230. Planorbis orientalis, LamarcJc.<br />

Planorbis orientalis, Lamarck, Anim. s. Vert, vi [2], p. 153;<br />

Sowerby, in Reeve, Conch. Icon, xx, pi. 11, sp. 89; Clessin, in<br />

CoDch.-Cab. 1885, p. 227.<br />

Original description:—PL testa discoidea, utrinque planodepressa,<br />

subrugosa, fragili, cornea ,• ultimo anfractu subaiigulato.<br />

Shell thin, irregularly undulated, yellowish-white, sinistral:<br />

spire narrow depressed ; whorls a little raised above the suture;<br />

last broad, sloped, expanded towards the aperture; aperture compressed<br />

above and below, large, obliquely deflected; margin<br />

sinuous ; lower disc concave.<br />

Lamarck in his original, though scanty, description, gives the<br />

diameter of the shell as 4 lines (= 9 mm.).<br />

231. Planorhis modicus, Benson.<br />

Planorbis I?IO&'CMS, Benson, Adams Genera, ii, 1858, p. 261; Sowerby,<br />

in Reeve, Concli. Icon, xx, pi. 9, sp. ^76.<br />

Shell horny, tumid, spire funnel-shaped ;, wliorls 5, raised and<br />

anguhir near the suture, last broad, sloped, concentrically finely<br />

wrinkled; aperture subtrigonal, lower disc concave, wborls<br />

rather flat.<br />

Diam. mai. 19'75, diam. min. 16'25 ram.<br />

ffah. India.

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