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136 UNIONID^.<br />

Original description :—Shell narrow, elongated, v.ery tumid, very<br />

thick, covered with a black, smooth epidermis, white within,<br />

anterior teeth large, jagged, posterior teetli laminar, elongated;<br />

posterior side oblique, angular, acuminated at the end of the<br />

angle, ventral margin slightly swelled posteriorly, then contracted,<br />

straight in the middle; anterior side very short, umbones large.<br />

iSfo dimensions are given with the description, but the following<br />

are taken from Sowerby's figure.<br />

Long. 35'5, lat. 99 mm.<br />

Jlab. India.<br />

267. Nodularia (Nodularia) cseruleus (Lea).<br />

Nochdaria (Nodularia) ccerideus (Lea); Simpson, Syn. Naiades,<br />

Washington, D.C, Smiths. Inst., Nat. Mus. Proc. xxii, 1900,<br />

pp. 811, 812.<br />

TJnio ccendeus, Lea, Philadelphia, Pa., Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. iv,<br />

p. 95, pi. 13, fig. 25; Obs. on Unionidoe, i, p. 105, pi. 13,<br />

fig. 25.<br />

Margarita ( TJnio) cceruleus, Lea, Syn. 1836, p. 26; 1838, p. 20.<br />

Margaron (Unto) carideus, Lea, Syn. 1852, p. 30; 1870, p. 47.<br />

Unio gerbidoni, Eydoux, in Guer. Mag. de Zool. 1838, p. 9, pi. 118,<br />

figs. 2, 2 a, 2 6 ; H. & T., C. 1.1876, p. 6, pi. 12, fig. 2.<br />

Unio substriatus, Lea, Proc. Acad. ISIat. Sci. Philadelphia, viii,<br />

1856, p. 93; Obs. on Unionida;, vi, 1867, p. 20, pi. 26, fig. 14.<br />

Margaron (Unio) substriatus, Lea, Syn. 1870, p. 47.<br />

Unio humilis, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelpliia, viii, 1856,<br />

p. 93; Obs. on Unionidffi, vi, 1857, p. 16, pi. 26, tig. 10.<br />

Margaron ( Unio) humilis, Lea, Syn. 1870. p. 32.<br />

Unio corrianus, Kuster, Conch.-Cab., Unio, 1861, p. 229, pi. 67,<br />

fig. 5.<br />

Unio leioma, Benson, A. M. N. II. 1862, p. 192 ; H. & T., 0. L<br />

1876, p. 6, pi. 12, fig. 6.<br />

Unio pilatus, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, x, 1866,<br />

p. 133; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vi, 1868, p. 181,<br />

pi. 38, fig. 95.<br />

Margaron (Unio) pilatus, Lea, Syn. 1870, p.47.<br />

Unio evittatus, Lea, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1868,<br />

p. 133; Lea, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vi, 1868,<br />

p. 279, pi. 38, fig. 92.<br />

Margaron (Unio) cristatus. Lea, Syn. 1870, p. 47.<br />

Unio trirostris, Sowerby, Conch. Icon, xvi, pi. 65, fig. 331.<br />

Original description:—Testa angusto-elliptica, transversa, inaequilaterali,<br />

subcylindracea; valvulis tenuibus ; natibus prominulis,<br />

rotundatis; dentibus cardinalibus lamelliformibus, at in dextra<br />

valvula sola duplicibus; lateralibiis rectis margarita cseruleo-alba<br />

et iridesceute.<br />

Ilab. Eiver Hooghly.<br />

To the above locality may be added the following, from which<br />

specimens are represented in the Indian Museum, Calcutta: Sampur;<br />

Siliguri; Patna; Jamalpur, Phenchooganj, Central Sylhet;<br />

Barrack Kiver, Silchar; Darjiling; Kochk ; Rajputana ; Manblioom;<br />

Eohri, Sukkur District, Slud; Saharumpur, United<br />

Provinces; Lower Nerbudda; Sarabalpur, Bengal; Bhagulpur ;<br />

Eajmahal; TJmballa; Poonassa; Burwani; Bagh ; Hazrapur.

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