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PAEEETSIA. 163<br />

raised line borders the inner side of the umbonal slope, which<br />

exhibits a few rugse at the upper part."<br />

Hah. Cane Eiver,near Bauda, Bundelkhund. Specimens in the<br />

Indian Museum are labelled as follows :—Patna ; Langlai; Alipur,<br />

Calcutta {Dr. J. Anderson), Beerbhoom {J. Wood-Mason).<br />

293. Parreysia (Parreysia) smaragdites (Benson).<br />

Parretisia {Purveyda) smaragdites (Benson) ; Simpson, Washington<br />

D.G., Nat. Mus. Proc. xxii, 1900, p. 843.<br />

Unio smaragdites, Benson, A. M. N. H. x, 1862, p. 190; Blanford,<br />

J. A. S. B. XXXV, 1866, p. 147; H. & T., C. I. 1876, p. 5, pi. 10,<br />

flg. 5; Pastel, Conch. Sam. iii, 1890, p. 167.<br />

Original desoription:—Testa transverse ovato-rliomboidea, insequilaterali,<br />

crassiuscula, tumida, antice rotundata, postice alata,<br />

recta, turn valde deehvi, demum subangulata, margine ventrali<br />

convexo; disco laevigato, polito, vix striatulo, sub epidermide<br />

pulchre viridi tenuissima obscure radiata albo, margine lutescente ;<br />

umbonibus prominentibus, apicibus approximatis, subdecorticatis,<br />

margaritaceis, breviter et minute radiato-sulcatis ; lunula angusta,<br />

elongata, transverse rugata ; ligamento subelongato ; carina umbonali<br />

prominente obtusiuscula, areola versus apicem depressiuscula,<br />

viridi obscure radiata; dentibus cardinalibus duplicibus,<br />

subangustis, rugosis, lateralibus curvatis elongatiusculis, valvse<br />

dextrae simplicibus, sinistrse duplicibus, nonnunquam subtriplicibus<br />

: margarita albida, iionnunquain luteo tincta.<br />

Long. 31, lat. 42, diam. 20 mm.<br />

The above description is amplified by the following note :—<br />

"Remarkable for the smoothness of the beautiful green<br />

epidermis, which is very thin, and, when rubbed off, exhibits a<br />

plain white colour, not nacreous, underneath. The anterior<br />

cicatrices are confluent, the posterior nearly distinct, the apical<br />

• ones situated under the cardinal teeth. Cavity of beaks very<br />

deep ; a few ruga? cross the strise on the posterior slope. In<br />

general characters it approaches most nearly to the Jellingyhy<br />

variety {delta) of U. [P. (P.)] favidens, which has a more tumid<br />

Ovate form, a regular, suleate, olivaceous surface, longer and distinctly<br />

angulate-flexuous umbonal furrows, and a broad lunule." *<br />

JIab. Berhampooter Elver, Assam {Col. Jenkins).<br />

There is a fine series of this interesting form in the collection<br />

of the Indian Museum bearing the Burmese localities, Bhamo and<br />

Zayleyman {Br. J. Anderson).<br />

294. Parreysia (Parreysia) bhamoensis (r/woteZcZ).<br />

Parreysia (Parreysia) bhamoensis (Theobald) ; Simpson, Washington,<br />

D.C., Smiths. Inst., Nat. Mus. Proc. xxii, 1900, p. 483. _<br />

Unio bhamoensis, Theobald, J. A. S. B. xHi, 1874, pt. 2, p. 207,<br />

pi. 17, fig. 1; .S'Hanley & Theobald, Conch. Ind. 1876, p.'62,<br />

pi. 1.'55, fig. 2; Pajtel, Conch. Sam. iii, 1890, p. 146.<br />


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