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NODULAEIA. 145<br />

laminatis erectisque, lateralibus laminatis brevibusque; margarita<br />

pertenui albaque.<br />

Long. 20, lat. 38, diam. 18 mm.<br />

Hah. Burrill Eiver (Dr. Burrougli) ; specimens in British<br />

Museum from Moradabad, Agra, and Eohilkund Streams (the last<br />

figured in Conch. Icon. pi. x, fig. 1); in Indian Museum from<br />

Assam and Saharanpur.<br />

The above description is amplified by the following note :—<br />

" Shell ovate, transverse, inequilateral, inflated, pellucid : substance<br />

of the shell very thin; beaks slightly elevated, rounded<br />

and devoid of undulations : ligament very small: epidermis olive,<br />

very thin and smooth : rays obscure : cardinal teeth large, erect,<br />

and lameliiform; lateral teeth short and lamelliform: anterior<br />

cicatrices slightly confluent: posterior cicatrices confluent: dorsal<br />

cicatrices not perceptible : cavity of the beaks wide : nacre very<br />

thin and bluish white.<br />

"BemarJcs.— It is a perfectly distinct species, and<br />

may easily be recognised by its form, its pellucidness and its<br />

smooth olive-coloured epidermis. It somewhat resembles a young<br />

Anodonta on the exterior, but the elevated lamelliform teeth<br />

easily distinguish it from that genus. Its resemblance to a<br />

Spanish olive is very striking."<br />

280. Nodularia (Nodularia) nuttalliana {Lea).<br />

Nodiilaria {Nodularia) nuttalliana (Lea) ; Simpson, Washington,<br />

.D.C., Smiths. Inst., Nat. Mus. Proc. xxii, 1900, p. 817.<br />

TJnio nuttallianns, Lea, Proo. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, viii,<br />

1856, p. 103 ; Obs. Genus Unio, vi, 1857, p. 80, pi. 30, flg. 25;<br />

Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, iii, 1858, p. 310, pi. 30,<br />

flg. 25 ; H. & T., 0.1, p. 19, pi. 41, figs, 6, 6.<br />

Margaron {Unio) nuttallianus, Lea, Syn. 1870, p. 74.<br />

Original description:—-Testa Iffivi, elliptica, subinflata, insequilaterali;<br />

valvulis tenuibus ; natibus prominulis ; epidermide<br />

olivacea, eradiata, valde polita; dentibus cardinalibus parvis, rectis,<br />

compressis crenulatisque ; lateralibus subcurtis, subrectis lamellatisque<br />

; margarita salmonis colore tincto et iridescente.<br />

Hab. India {Prof. Thomas Nuttall).<br />

No dimensions are given with the above description; there are,<br />

however, several specimens of the species in the British and<br />

Indian Museum Collections, of which the measurements of three<br />

are as follows ; No. 1 being in the British and Nos. 2 and 3 in the<br />

Indian Museum.<br />

1. 2. 3.<br />

Long. ...... 23-25 19 17-75 mm.<br />

Lat 38 31-25 28-5 mm.<br />

Diam 15 11-5 10'5 mm.<br />

Allied to N. oUvaria, but of a darker colour and more convex,<br />

with more rounded ventral margin and generally ovate form.<br />


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