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TIA.EA. 11<br />

Itange. S. & E. Asia; Malay Archipelago; islands of the<br />

Pacific.<br />

Shell subulate, elongated ; spire many-whorled, acute; whorls<br />

smooth, not spinose; aperture ovate, acuminate, posteriorly entire,<br />

rounded in front; inner lip thin, not callous : outer lip simple,<br />

acute, margin entire. {H. ^ A. Adams.)<br />

20. Tiara (Radina) hastula {Lea).<br />

Tiara {Radina) hastula (Lea), P. Z. S. 1850, p. 189; Conch.-Cab. ii,<br />

pi. 16, figs. 3, 3 J; fide Brot.<br />

Melania costata, auct. [not of Quoy].<br />

Melaniajlammulata, Busch [not of Reeve].<br />

Melania picta, Kve. [not of Hinds].<br />

Melania acuta, Rve. [not of Lea].<br />

Melania arroensis, Rve., Nevill, Hand List, pt. 2, p. 228.<br />

Original description :—Testa striata, nonnunquam plicata, elongata<br />

subulata, diaphana, tenui, fusca, striis transversis crebris<br />

costulas decussantibus ; spira acuminata; suturis linearibus ; anfractibus<br />

plano-convexis_'; apertura parvula, ovata, intus vel fusca<br />

vel albida ; columella incurva tortaque.<br />

Alt. 83, diam. 20-25 mm.<br />

Hab. Philippines; India.<br />

Var. suhacutissima, Nevill, toin. cit.<br />

" Spiral striation on base of last whorl distinct;<br />

upper whorls obscurely dotted and fiamed with brown and<br />

peculiarly alternate "<br />

Alt. 55, diam. 16 mm.<br />

Hab. Andamans {Eoepstorff).<br />

Subvar. subcrenulata, Nevill, torn. cit. p. 229.<br />

Alt. 51, diam. 16'75 mm.<br />

Hab. Andamans (Roepstorff).<br />

21. Tiara (Radina) crenulata {Deshayes).<br />

Tiara (Radina) crenulata (Deshaves), Lamarck, Hist. Anim. s. Vert.<br />

ed. 2, viii, 1838, p. 434.<br />

Bulimus torulosus, JBrug. Encycl. Meth., Vers, i, p. 852 ?<br />

Helix a-enata, Dillwyn, Cat. ii, p. 950, no. 144; Nevill, Hand List,<br />

pt. 2, p. 225.<br />

Original description:—Testa elongato-turrita,apice truncata albofuscescente<br />

obsolete sulcata ; anfractibus latis subplanis ad suturam<br />

depressis, marginatis; margine lato, excavate; apertura magna,<br />

ovali, ad basim dilatata ; columella coutorta, crassa.<br />

Alt. 64, diam. 21 mm.<br />

Hab. Philippines.

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