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TIAHA. 15<br />

the body-«horl encircled by an infra-sutural ridge forming a<br />

distinct shoulder and weakly spirally lirate throughout below the<br />

ridge • sutures impressed ; peristome simple ; columella arched, a<br />

callus joining it with the lip above ; aperture inversely auriform.<br />

Alt. 33-25, diam. maj. 12-25 mm.<br />

Aperture, alt. 10-5, diam. 5-5 mm.<br />

Hah, Andaman Islands.<br />

The shoulder formed by the infra-sutural ridge presents a somewhat<br />

striking appearance and recalls some of the Western Pacific<br />

Island forms in vvhich this character occurs ; the other characters,<br />

however, when taken collectively or singly, easily separate it from<br />

any of the species described from those regions.<br />

27. Tiara (Eadina) multistriata (Preston).<br />

Tiara (Radina) multistriata (Preston), Rec. Ind. Mus. ii, p. 196,<br />

pi. 15, fig. 24.<br />

Shell decollate, subulate, dark olive-brown ; remaining whorls 4,<br />

rather flat, sculptured throughout with fine transverse striae and<br />

coarser spiral strioe ; sutures deep and incised ; columella arched ;<br />

peristome acute ; aperture ovate; interior bluish grey.<br />

Alt. 26, diam. maj. 10 mm.<br />

Apei-ture, alt. 9'5, diam. 4 mm.<br />

Bab. Andaman Islands.<br />

Subgenus STEIATELLA.<br />

Stn'aietta, Brot, Conch.-Cab. 1875, pp. 7, 193.<br />

TYPES, Melania corporosa, Gould, Tahiti; and Melania tuberculata,<br />

Miiller, N. Africa, S. & E. Asia, Malaysia, N. Australia.<br />

Range. Add to the above S. & E. Africa and Tropical Islands of<br />

the Indian and Pacific Oceans.<br />

Original description :—Testa turrita, mediocris, longitudinaliter<br />

plus minusve striata, ssepe transverse plicata; apertura basi rotundata,<br />

columella modice torta.<br />

Testa longitudinaliter inciso-striata, sutura canaliculata.<br />

(Typ. M. corporosa.)<br />

Testa longitudinaliter elevato-lirata; rubropunctata vel flamniulata.<br />

(I'yp. M. iuberculata.)<br />

28. Tiara (Striatella) tuberculata {MUlkr).<br />

Kerita tuberculata, Jliiller, Hist. Verm. 1774 (as Nerita), Coromandel;<br />

H. & T., C. I. pi. 74, flgs. 1-4 ; Nevill, Hand List, pt. 2,<br />

p. 239.<br />

Shell elongate, very acuminate or subulate, pale, thin, sculptured<br />

with raised spiral striae and undulating grooves, blotched with<br />

blood-red, these red markings often forming zigzag bands. Whorls<br />

8 or 9, ornamented with longitudinal tubercular ridges, each bearing

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