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TIAEA. 25<br />

40. Tiara (Melanoides) episcopalis (i. d; H. Lea).<br />

Tiara {Melanoides) episcopalis (I. & H. Lea), P. Z. S. 1850, p. 184,<br />

in part; Eeeve, Oon. Icon., Melania, pi. 3, sp. 12; H. & T.,<br />

C. 1. pi. 72, fig. 7, & pi. 75, figs. 6, 7.<br />

Original description:—Testa plicata, turrita, subcrassa, tenebrosa-castanea;<br />

spira elevata; suturis impressis; aufractibus<br />

subconvexis, prope suturam superiorem concavis; plicis raris,<br />

subacuminatis; apertura magna, elliptica, intus caerulescente;<br />

columella contorta.<br />

Alt. 61, diam. 20 mm.<br />

Nab. A sluggish river, Malacca.<br />

The authors also append the following note:—<br />

" This is a remarkable and interesting species, and differs from<br />

any which has been described in having rather large and somewhat<br />

distant folds rising on the upper part into nodular points<br />

in all the four specimens submitted for examination. The apex<br />

of these specimens being truncated, the number of whorls carmot<br />

be ascertained. A perfect adult would probably present about<br />

ten. The folds are distinct on the four lovier whorls only. On<br />

the middle of the lower whorl there is a slightly elevated line,<br />

beiow which are about six obscure stria. The aperture is large,<br />

and more than one-third the length of the shell; it is twisted,<br />

and has an elongated base. The columella is whitish and very<br />

much incurved. The operculum is more spiral than usual, and<br />

the polar point more toward the centre."<br />

A number of minor varieties are cited by Nevill in his ' Hand<br />

List,' from which, however, for the purposes of the present work<br />

it will be sufficient to quote the following : —<br />

Var. pontiflcalis (v. d. Busch), Mousson, L. & S. Moll. Java;<br />

p. 65, pi. 10, fig. 3 (as Melania pontifiealis').<br />

Melania infracostata, v. d. Busch, in Reeve, Conch. Icon., Melania,<br />

sp. li; Kevill, Hand List, pt. •>, p. 269.<br />

Original descrijAion:—Testa turrita, magna, crassa, lactea,<br />

superne flammulis nonuullis picta, epidermide olivacea induta,<br />

anfractibus longitudine transversimque tenuiter striatis, superioribus<br />

fere planatis, inferioribus convexis, ultimo et penultimo<br />

crassicostatis, costis distantibus superue in nodulos exeuntibus ;<br />

columella arcuata, labro acuto ad basin producto ; apertura ovata,<br />

lactea.<br />

Alt. 72, diam. 24-5 mm.<br />

Hah. Borneo ; near Sibsagar (Peal).<br />

41. Tiara (Melanoides) menkeana (Lea), emend.<br />

Melania menkiana, in Lea, Obs. Unio, iv, p. 24, for Melania phcata,<br />

Lea, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. (& Obs. Unio, ii, p. 20), pi. 2,3, fig. 95<br />

(not of Menke, Synops. 1830).

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