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this being accomplished by a sharp contraction of the pedal muscle,<br />

the sliell and the remainder oi the animal are forced suddenly<br />

forward.<br />

Both Gastropods and Peleeypods, however, are not d^^pendent<br />

on the foot only for voluntary movement, amoug the torriier<br />

LiviiKea especially, and among the latter Pisidium are able to put<br />

forth filaments of mucous by which they are enabled to ascend<br />

and descend to and from the surface of the water and not only to<br />

float on, but to skim along it, foot uppermost.<br />

Tlie more or less artificial dispersal of mollusca is a subject<br />

upon which, from time to time, a good deal has been written;<br />

undoubtedly the larval Gasteropod forms are often swept many<br />

miles by floods, frequently by this means being stranded in pools<br />

and ponds isolated in normal times and to which it would<br />

necessarily be impossible for them to obtain access were it not for<br />

the agency of waterfowl which, there can be little doubt, do carry<br />

certain species about in the plumage just above the legs, considerable<br />

opportunity being given for the mollusca to ascend these<br />

and become entangled in the feathers during the lengthy periods<br />

in N-shicli tbe birds Tbtnain stationary in tiie watex watetiing ioT<br />

their prey.<br />

The Pelecypoda also are great travellers, but this is due to their<br />

being carried far in their embryonic state by the hosts to which<br />

they have attached themselves; once the parasitic larval stage is<br />

over, they are seldom able, except through an exceptional accident,<br />

to move far afield.<br />

Prom the foregoing remarks, however, it must not by any means<br />

be assumed that all the fluviatile species are widely distributed,<br />

many instances occur of extremely localized forms, among which<br />

may be mentioned as exam])les the Limncea mvoluta of Killarney<br />

and some of the peculiar forms of Lake Tanganyika which do not<br />

seem to have become diffused in the remainder of the Congo basin.<br />

6. Economic Uses.—The purification of water is doubtless to<br />

a certain extent performed by the mollusca in their capacity of<br />

scavengers, in addition to wliich they also provide food for valuable<br />

birds and fish; as a rule, however, the fluviatile species are<br />

not in much request as food for man ; though in Guadeloupe,<br />

Mauritius, China, Japan, and even in Prance, certain species of<br />

freshwater bivalves are used for human consumption.<br />

The chief services rendered to the human race are, however,<br />

rather ornamental than actually useful; in the Unites States<br />

certain species of Unionidoi are extensively fished and even cultivated<br />

for their nacre which is used largely for button punching,<br />

small kuife handles and other purposes to which mother-6'-pearl<br />

is put, while as ai bi-product pearls themselves are doubtless<br />

obtained ; indeed, a case has recently been placed on record of as<br />

many as nine hundred and twelve being taken from a single<br />

individual *, one hundred of which wore of marketable size, though<br />

* INantilus, Boston, JIass.. xxv., p. 84.

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