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NODTJLAEIA. 137<br />

A very widely spread form, as will be seen from the list of<br />

localities quoted above ; to a certain degree it varies considerably;<br />

always eorrugatedly sculptured in the umbonal region, this<br />

character may be either restricted to the extreme umbone, or<br />

spread over the greater portion of the surface of the shell.<br />

A number of so-called species have been constituted out of its<br />

many varietal forms, of which, perhaps, that most often quoted is<br />

U. leioma, Benson, but on examination of a large series there can<br />

be no doubt that these must be relegated to sjnonymj'.<br />

Below are given the measurements of four specimens in the<br />

Indian Museum, No. 1 being from Calcutta, No. 2 from Bagh,<br />

No. 3 from TJmbaila, and No. 4 from Poonassa.<br />

1. 2. 3. 4.<br />

Long 20 17-25 25-25 30 mm.<br />

Lat 39-75 30 49-5 56 mm.<br />

Diameter 12 11 18-75 21 mm.<br />

Var. gaudichaudi {Eydoux).<br />

Unio qaudichaudi, Eydoux, Mag. de Zool. 1838, CI. v, p. 10,<br />

pi. Yl8,6g.3.<br />

Maryaron (JJnio) gaudichaudi, Lea, Svn. 1860, p. 32; 1870,<br />

p. 50.<br />

Nodularia gaudichaudi, Simpson, Washington, D.C., Smiths. Inst.,<br />

Nat. Mus. Proc. xxii, 1900, p. 812.<br />

Shell oval, transverse, inequilateral; umboues not prominent,<br />

slightly roughened, covered with a periostracuni; the anterior side<br />

is short and rounded; the posterior is broader and obscurely angled;<br />

the whole shell slightly SYS-oUen; texture of shell thin, finely or<br />

irregularly striate and covered «ith a dirty brown or j'ellowish<br />

periostracum ; interior of shell nacreous, of a pinkish violet<br />

shade ; hinge very narrow and nearly straight, a single, rough and<br />

projecting cardinal tooth appearing on the right valve and two<br />

oblique and unequal cardinal teeth in the left valve; lateral teeth<br />

very thin, smooth, obliquely truncate at the posterior end, the<br />

plates of the opposite valve, between which it fits, of nearly equal<br />

size.<br />

Long. 22-5, lat. 38-25 mm.<br />

Hah. Rivers of Bengal.<br />

Yar. keraudreni {Eydoux).<br />

Unio keraudrmi, Eydoux, Mag. de Zool. 1838, CI. v, p. 8, pi. 118,<br />

fig. 1.<br />

Margaron (Unio) keraudreni, Lea, Syn. 1852, p. 30; 1870, p. 46.<br />

Shell obJong-ovate, somewhat depressed, very inequilateral,<br />

smooth; anterior side obtuse, short; posterior side gently<br />

attenuated with blunt extremity ; umbones scarcely prominent,<br />

much eroded ; remainder of outer surface covered with a dark<br />

brown periostracum; interior of shell nacreous and tinged with

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