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50. Tiara (Acrostoma) Mgeli (PMlippi).<br />

TIAEA. 31<br />

Tiara {Acrostoma) hiigeli (Philippi), Abbild. N. Coneli. i, p. 61,<br />

Melanin, pi. 2, fig. 8.<br />

Melanin siphonata, Reeve, OoGch. Icon. pi. 20, sp. 143; H. & T.,<br />

0.1, pi. 71, figs. 5, 6 ; NeviU, Hand List, pt. 2, p. 270.<br />

Original description :—Testa oblongo-conica, obscure fusca;<br />

anfractibus planiusculis, transversim striatis; ultimo ventricoso,<br />

basi grosse sulcato; apertura ovata, anfractus 3 antecedentes<br />

simul sumptos aequante, basi manifeste effusa ; columella arcuata.<br />

Alt. 33, diam. ]9'5 mm.<br />

Hab. Khasi Hills ; Mysore ; Upper Canvery Eiver {Blanford).<br />

Var. compaota, Nevill, Hand List, pt. 2, p. 270.<br />

" Easily distinguished by its short, stout form, relatively contracted<br />

aperture, less tumidly swollen, but more subangulate last<br />

whorl, and closer spiral sculpture ; the spire is more truncate, the<br />

coloration darker."<br />

Alt. 25-5, diam. 13-7o mm.<br />

ffab. Wynaad [type var.] and Cochin Hills (ZJetZtfonie); Canvery<br />

River (Jerdon).<br />

51. Tiara (Acrostoma) assamenis, Nevill.<br />

Tiara {Acrostoma) assamensis, Nevill, Hand List, pt. 2, p. 271;<br />

Hanley, Conch. Misc. pi. 5, fig. 43, as " M. hiigeli, var, of Philippi,<br />

from Khasya."<br />

Original description:—Remarkably close to Mel. hiigeli, from<br />

which it can be distinguished by its less solid substance, its much<br />

more convexly rounded whorls, the last not being (more or less)<br />

subangulate as in its ally ; of a plain, uniform, dark colouration ;<br />

of similar minute striation, but wanting the spiral sulcations at<br />

base of last whorl; characters of the columellar margin and<br />

aperture generally much 'as in typical M. hiigeli, strongly decollate,<br />

three whorls only remaining.<br />

Alt. 35, diam. 18"5 mm.<br />

Hah. North Cachar {Oodwln-Austen); " Delaima " ? {Nevill).<br />

52. Tiara (? Acrostoma) prsemordica {Tryon).<br />

Tiara (P Acrostoma) prcemorAica (Trvon), Amer. J. Conch, ii, pt 2,<br />

1866, p. Ill, pi. 10, fig. 8 ; Brot, in Conch.-Oab. 1875, p. 108, pi. 13,<br />

figs. 8, 8 a ; H. & T., C. I. pi. 153, fig. 2.<br />

Original description :—Shell ovately conical, robust, covered with<br />

regular, close, curved' growth lines, and with rounded revolving<br />

ribs, of which seven are on the body-whorl; spire conical elevated,<br />

(?eroded), suture deeply impressed; whorls convex, surface

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