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PAlUDOMirS. 41<br />

depressis et marginatis ; apertura mediocri; virescenti-olivacea,<br />

riifo-Digficante irregularifcer fasciata.<br />

The dimensions given below are taken from the figure in the<br />

' Conchologia Indica.'<br />

Alt. 20-25, diam. 1575 ram.<br />

Hah. Sikkim branch of the Ganges.<br />

Characterized by a line sculpture of close-set longitudinal ribs.<br />

68. Paludomus constricta, Reeve.<br />

Paludomus constricta, Reeve, P. Z. S. 1852, p. 129; H. & T., C. I.<br />

pi. 126, figs. 1-4.<br />

Original description :—Testa subpyramidali - oblonga, solida,<br />

spira exserta; anfractibus laevibus vel obscurissime sulcatis,<br />

superne concavo-constrictis ; olivacea, fascia nigropunctata, moniliformi,<br />

versus apicem picta; apertura ovata, callosa, alba.<br />

The dimensions quoted below are taken from fig. 1, pi. 126,<br />

in the ' Conchologia Indica.'<br />

Alt. 25'2o, diam. 18'5 mm.<br />

Hah. Mountain streams of Ceylon.<br />

Difi'ering " from P. conica, to which it is most nearly allied,<br />

chiefly by its more oblong and constricted form."<br />

69. Paludomus ornata, Benson.<br />

Paludomus ornata, Benson, A. M. N. H. (ser. 2) xvii, 1856, p. 496 ;<br />

li. & T., C. I. pi. 108, fig. 8.<br />

Original description:—Testa ovato-conica, solidiuscula, laeviuscula,<br />

strus remotis obsoletis, cincta infra suturam marginatam bisulcata,<br />

luteo-olivacea, fasciis 4 fusco-castaneis, suturali angusta, secunda<br />

latissima, quarta inconspicua, ornata; spira conica, apice eroso;<br />

anfractibus 4 superstitibus convexis, ultimo | testae vix superante;<br />

apertura vix obliqua, ovata, fauce cjeruleo-albida, 4 fasciata,<br />

superne angulata, angulo intus calloso ; peristomate tenui, aeuto,<br />

marginibus callo albo junctis, columellari subrevoluto, angusto,<br />

albo. Operc. — ?<br />

Alt. 18, diam. 13 mm.<br />

Aperture : alt. 13, diam. 8 mm.<br />

Hah. Burma.<br />

70. Paludomus andersoniana, Nevill.<br />

Paludomus andersoniana, Nevill, J. A. S. B. xlvi, pt. 2, p. 35;<br />

loc. cit., 1, pt. 2, p. 160, pi. 5, fig. 2.<br />

Original description :—[Shell] large and globose ; spire produced<br />

and pointed; of a striking greenish-yellow colour, with four<br />

intense black bands on the last whorl, the one at the suture and<br />

the two near the base about the width of the broadest band on<br />

P. ornata; the second band from the suture twice this width.

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