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1.28 soLEifiDj;.<br />

inferiorem (interiorem) tegens, ijiferior crassior, prope dentem<br />

lateralem anticum, haud curvatus, altior exteriore; dextree<br />

siiiguli; paulum curvati, parte sinistra ascendente tenues, parte<br />

dextra desceudente incrassati; dentes laterales in valva sinistra<br />

biui, erecti, antice triangulati; postiee uncinati, valva dextra bini<br />

postici et bini antici, biui exteriores (non semper exstantes)<br />

minimi; interiores longi, triangulati. antice erassiores.<br />

Affinis Pis. scJiolizii, Clessin*, differt forma dentium cardin.<br />

valvffi sinistrse, situ dentium cardinalium, minore profund.<br />

Ifab. Lake Walar, Kashmir.<br />

The author appears to have only been able to see two perfect<br />

specimens which were both very young, he therefore gives the<br />

following measurements taken from a series of single valves :—<br />

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.<br />

„. r Long. . . 3 3 3 2-7 2-6 — mm.<br />

T?- 1+V 1 \ ^"'^- •• 3-5 3 3-2 3 2-9 3-4 mm.<br />

Eight Valves. I-pj,^^_ 1 1 1 1 1 M mm.<br />

1. 2. 3.<br />

(Long. . .<br />

Three<br />

i Lat. ..<br />

Left Valves. 1 i(^'- ' '<br />

[Diam...<br />

2-7<br />

3<br />

?<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3-1<br />

? |<br />

1-1<br />

2-4 mm.<br />

2-8<br />

f« '""'•<br />

1 m 11).<br />

The proportion between length and breadth is therefor© 3-1<br />

to 2-8.<br />

Family SOLENID.-E.<br />

Subfamily SOLENINiB.<br />

Shell equivalve, transversely elongate, more or less gaping at<br />

each end, covered with a periostracum ; umbones not prominent;<br />

ligament external, on an elongate ridge; hinge very variable,<br />

bearing fr^m one to three cardinal teeth on each valve; lateral<br />

teeth wanting; adductor scars in both valves distant; pallial<br />

impression posteriorly more or less sinuous, pedal impressions<br />

well marked beneath the umbones or near the dorsal margin;<br />

external surface of the siiell presenting a well-defined cellular<br />

structure, consisting of long prisihs, very oblique iii relation to<br />

the surface and showing the presence of nuclei; internal surface<br />

nearly homogeneous; non-nacreous.<br />

Animal, with the exception of Nouaculina, marine or estuarine ;<br />

siphons usually short, in part united or entirely separate ; foot<br />

large, powerful, more or less cylindrical, elongated; without any<br />

trace of byssogenous organs ; palpes variable in size ; gills straight,<br />

unequal, lengthened and enclosed in the branchial siphon.<br />

m. AVorld-wide.<br />

* P. sclwUzii, Clessin=P. ohttisale.

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