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218 CYIIENIDJE.<br />

S54. Corbicula bensoni, BesJiayes.<br />

Corbicula hensoni, Deshayes, P. Z. S. xxii, 1864, p. 346 ; Cat. Brit.<br />

Mils., Vener. p. 224.<br />

Corbicula bensonii, Desh., Prime, Cat. Corb. 1809-70; Gen. Corbicula,<br />

p. 128, no. 11.<br />

Corbicula hensoni. If. & T., C. I. 1876, p. 65, pi. 138, figs. 1, 4 ;<br />

Clessin, in Martini & Chemnitz, 1879, p. 198, no. 111.<br />

Original description:—Testa ovato-tralisversa, subtrigona, sequilaterali,<br />

laevigata, nitida, depressiuscula, extremitatibus, obtusa,<br />

iitroque latere aequaliter declivi, epidermide tenui, nitente, virescente<br />

vel flavescente induta, aliquantisper lineis interruptis,fuscis<br />

radiata, intus alba, vel pallide violasoente; cardine angusto, tridentato,<br />

dentibus insequalibus valde divaricatis, dentibus lateralibus<br />

prselongis, angustissimis, tenuissime striato-crenatis, antico paullo<br />

longiore. (<br />

Hah. Bengal; also recorded from the Eiver Jumna.<br />

The dimensions given below are taken as follows :—No. 1 from<br />

the single valve representing the type, and l^os. 2 and 'A from two<br />

other specimens in the British Museum ;—<br />

Long. , . .<br />

Lat<br />

Diam.<br />

1. 2. 3.<br />

7-5 7<br />

9-25 9-5<br />

*2 4-25<br />

* Single valves.<br />

1 mm.<br />

9-2o mm.<br />

*2 mm.<br />

355. Corbicula consanguinea, Prime.<br />

Corbicula consanquinea, Prime, Ann. Lvo. Nat. Hist. N. Y. viii,<br />

1867, p. 417; Cat. Corb. 1869-70, p.' 129, no. 22; Cleasin, in<br />

Martini & Chemnitz, 1879, p. 199.<br />

Original description:—Testa ovato-transversa, compressiuscula,<br />

sequilaterali; epidermide viridescente, nitente vestita; regulariter<br />

striata; umbonibus brevibus, atro-violascentibus ; valvis intus<br />

violaceis; cardine lato.<br />

Long. 14, lat. 16, diam. 9 mm.<br />

Hah. India.<br />

The type is inaccessible to the compiler of the present volume ;<br />

the author, however, states that though closely allied to C. striatella,<br />

Deshayes, the lateral teeth are stronger and much broader<br />

in the present species.<br />

3o6. Corbicula sylhetica, Preston.<br />

Corbicula sylhetica, Preston, Eec. Ind. Mils. Calcutta, ii, 1908,<br />

pp. 47-48 (^flg. in text).<br />

Original description:—^^\iBVL nearly equilateral, tumid, subtrigonal,<br />

pale olive-green, sculptured with fine irregular concentric

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