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76 rAlTJBESTIlIICIDJi:.<br />

151. Bitliynia goniomphalos (Mor<br />

JBithyida goniomphalos (Morelet), Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1866, p. 167<br />

(as Paliidma); Ser. Conch, iii, pi. 13, tig. 4.<br />

Bithynia irmoadica, Blanford, P.' Z. S. 1869, p. 446: II. & T.,'C. I.<br />

pi. 37, fig. 10 (as Bythinia ircnvadica); Nevill, in J. Anderson's<br />

Anat. & Zool. Researches during Yunnan Exp., Calcutta, 1878<br />

[1879], p. 890.<br />

Original description:—Tesla rimato-perforata, oblongo-conoidea,<br />

solidula, sub lente subtilissime decussata, parum nitens, viridif<br />

usca; epira elongato-conica, apice tnincata, anfr. superst. 4|<br />

convexi, ultiinus circa pert'orationem compresso-carinatus, spiram<br />

non sequans; apertura ovalis, basi angulata, intus lilacina, margiriibus<br />

fusoo anguste liinbatis. Operculum testaceum, extus<br />

concentriee lamelloso-striatum, intus candidum.<br />

Alt. 14, diam. 7 mm.<br />

/lab. Cochin China {Morelet); marshes and rivers round<br />

Mandalay (Blanford).<br />

152. Bitliynia evezardi, Blanford.<br />

Bithynia evezardi, Blanford, J. A. S. B. xlix, pt. 2, p. 220; Nevill,<br />

op. cit. 1, pt. 2, p. 157, pi. 6, tig. 13.<br />

Original description:—Shell narrovi'ly umbilicate, ovately conical,<br />

solid surrounded hy regular spiral impressed lines rather c.lose<br />

together, whitish horny, covered with an olive epidermis. Spire<br />

conical, apex eroded, suture deeply impressed. Whorls remaining<br />

3 (in a perfect shell about 4 to 5\ rounded, the last<br />

about half the whole length, moderately ventricose, angulately<br />

compressed at the base around the umbilicus, which is conical<br />

and smooth inside. Aperture nearly vertical, oval, subangulate<br />

in front at the base and at the posterior extremity ; peristome<br />

simple, straight, obtuse ; operculum normal.<br />

Alt. 3-75, diam. maj. 3-25, diam. min. 2 mm.<br />

Aperture: alt. 2, diam. 1-5 mm.<br />

Hab. Lanowlee (Lanaoli), on the r.ailway-line between Bombay<br />

nnd Poena, a few miles east or Khandalla at the top of the<br />

Bor-gliafc.<br />

153. Bithynia pygmaea, Preston.<br />

Bithynia pygnusa, Preston, Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, ii, p. 45, fig.<br />

in text.<br />

Original description :—Shell ovately fusiform, dark'olive-brown;<br />

whorls 3|, convex, smooth; sutures well impressed; aperture<br />

oval; peristome simple, continuous; umbiliclas narrow; operculum<br />

shelly, spiral with central nupleus.<br />

Alti 3-25, diam. maj. 2 mm.

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