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NODULAEIA. 147<br />

Unio crispisulcaius, Lea, A. M. N. H. x, 1862, p. 193; Sowerby,<br />

Coneh. Icon, xvi, 1866, pi. 49, fig. 262.<br />

MargaroH ( Unio) crispisulcaius, Lea, Syn. 1870, p. 149.<br />

Original description :—Testa transverse subovata, subinaBquilaterali;<br />

antice rotundata, postice superne descendente, leviter<br />

angulata, demum obtuse angulata, crassiuscula, compressiuscula;<br />

disco convexiusculo minutissime radiatim rugoso-costulato. costulis<br />

nonnuUis acute divaricatis, posterioribus latioribus; umbonibus<br />

prominentibus, coiitiguis, apicibus acutiusoulis ; epidermide luteoolivaeea,<br />

postice fuscata, hie illic nonnunquam viridiscente;<br />

dentibus cardinalibus utriusque valvsB duplicibus, lamellatis, lateralibus<br />

obliquis, modice elongatis, valvse sinistras duplicibus:<br />

niargarita caeruleo-albida iridescente.<br />

Long. 28, lat. 45, diam. 16 miu.<br />

Hab. Bangong Eiver near Thyet-Myo, Burma (W. Theobald);<br />

Pegu (Indian Mus. Coll.).<br />

To the above description is appended the following note :—<br />

" The anterior cicatrices are distinct, the posterior coniluent,<br />

the apical ones above the moderate angular cavity, and running<br />

under the cardinal tooth.<br />

" The delicate sculpture over the whole disk of this shell is<br />

peculiar. In form it does not approach any Gangetic type."<br />

A well-marked and apparently very constant form, the large<br />

series of about twenty-three specimens in the Indian Museum<br />

Collection, from the Irrawaddy near Thyetmio and Pegu, practically<br />

showing no variation whatever.<br />

283. Nodularia (Eadiatula) lima, Simpson.<br />

Nodularia {Radiatida) lima, Simpson, Washington, D.C., Smiths.<br />

Inst., Nat. Mus. Proc. xxii, 1900, p. 820.<br />

Unio radula (Benson), Hanley, Rec. Biv. Shells, Supp. 1856, p. 382,<br />

pi. 23, fig. 41; H. & T., C. I. p. 5, pi. 10, fig. 3.<br />

Dysonomia radida, Rochebrune, Bull. Sac. Philom. Paris vi, 1882,<br />

p. 42.<br />

Original description :—Transversely oboval, inequilateral, not<br />

very thick, rather compressed, olivaceous, scul'-' ired as in U. scobina,<br />

but rather more linearly and transver^ ,y ; ventral and front<br />

dorsal edges convex and subparallel; hinder extremity rounded,<br />

narrower: umbonal ridge inconspicuous, umbonal slope simple ;<br />

neither the eroded umbones nor the ligament prominent; nacre<br />

bluish ; umbonal cavity shallow; hinder tooth strong, complicated ;<br />

front lateral tooth elongated, a little curved.<br />

Long. 19, lat. 32 mm.<br />

Idab. Assam ; Siliguri and Sikkim (Indian Mus. Coll.).<br />

Extremely variable in sculpture and form; in some specimens<br />

the corrugations extend over the whole surface of the shell,<br />

while in others they are confined merely to the umbonal region;<br />

in general outline it varies from ovate to trapezoidal as the<br />


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