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PALUDOMUS. 47<br />

anfractus quatuor convexi, supra medium obsolete carinati;<br />

apertura oblonga, simplex, albida, lineis fuscis, pellucentibus.<br />

Operc. — ?<br />

Alt. 16, diam. 13 mm.<br />

Aperture : alt. 11, diam. 6 mm.<br />

Hah. Ceylon.<br />

82. Paludomus palustris, Layard.<br />

PaluSomus palustris, Layard, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 89; II. & T., C. I.<br />

pi. 126, figs. 2, 3.<br />

Original description :—Shell ovate, thin ; axis 10 lines, diam.<br />

6 lines ; spire exserted, long; whorls rounded, rather flat, spirally<br />

closely grooved with minute granular strise (visible "under the lens).<br />

Colour of adult shell a rich yellow spotted with dark brown, the<br />

markings frequently running into wavy lines ; apex bluish; aperture<br />

white. Operculum nearly oval, the apex slightly inclined to<br />

the le£t; concentric nucleus subcentral, sinistral.<br />

Hab. The grassy margins of a tank at Anarajahpoora, Ceylon.<br />

In young shells the ground colour is almost hidden by the dark<br />

markings, and the aperture is found to be spirally marked with<br />

thin lines of ;fhe same colour.<br />

83. Paludomus tanschaurica, Omelin.<br />

Paludomus tanschawica, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 3655, for the Helix<br />

Jluviatilis tanschaurensis of Chemn., Conch.-Cab. ix, p. 174,<br />

%. 1243.<br />

Helix Jluviatilis, Dillwyn, Desc. Uat. Shells, p. 959 ; H. & T., 0.1.<br />

. pi. 123, fig. 8.<br />

Paludomus tanjoriensis, H. F. Blanford, emend. Trans. Linn. See.<br />

1863, p. 173, pi. 27, figs. 2a-e.<br />

Original description;—Testa subturrita, brunnea, glaberrima,<br />

anfractibus septem, maculis obscurioribus seu nigricantibus cor;spersa,<br />

ore subrotundo, fauce albieante. ' "_<br />

Alt. 16, diam. 13 mm. (taken from fig. in 'Conchologia Indica').<br />

Hab. India.<br />

Var. kadapaensis, Nevill, Hand List, pt. 2, p. 294.<br />

" Apparently without sculpture; apex not acute; spire pointed,<br />

of four to five whorls, longitudinally, regularly, handsomely<br />

flamed, somewhat as in P. parva, Layard [^ddlinoides, Eeeve],<br />

but in a less " zigzag " manner." (Nevill.)<br />

Alt. 15-5, diam. 9'75 mm. (spire slightly eroded only).<br />

Hab. Kadapa District, Madras {King).<br />

Var. malabarica, Nevill, torn. eit.<br />

"Decollate and in shape exactly resembling the Ceylon var.

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