America's Money Machine

America's Money Machine

America's Money Machine


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15.<br />

When to Reef Sail<br />

DURING THE FINAL DAYS of debate in Congress on the Federal<br />

Reserve Act, it will be recalled, the distinguished Senator from New<br />

York, Elihu Root, rose to make one ofthe most brilliant, devastating, and<br />

significant attacks on the bill that had been heard in the Senate. Speaking<br />

on December 13, 1914, Root had declared that the bill was inflationary<br />

and dangerous.<br />

"It provides," he had said, "an expansive currency, but not an elastic<br />

one. It provides a currency which may be increased, always increased, but<br />

not a currency for which the bill contains any provision compelling reduction."<br />

He had gone on to survey the historical experience of inflation in<br />

Europe:<br />

I can see in this bill itself, in the discharge of our duty, no influence<br />

interposed by us against the occurrence ofone of those periods offalse and<br />

delusive prosperity which inevitably end in ruin and suffering. For, Mr.<br />

President, the most direful results of the awakening of people from such a<br />

dream are not to be found in the banking houses-no, not even in the<br />

business houses. They are to be found among the millions who have lost the<br />

means of earning their daily bread. They are to be found in the dislocation<br />

and paralyzing of the great machinery which gives the value to the product<br />

of the toiler by transporting it from the place where it is produced, and is<br />

worthless there because there is no one to use it, to a place where it can be<br />

used and by finding some one to use it who will pay for iLl<br />


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