America's Money Machine

America's Money Machine

America's Money Machine


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The End ofa Dream 243<br />

InJune, 1958, conditions in France had reached the state ofrevolutionary<br />

crisis that brought General Charles de Gaulle to power with the<br />

authority ofa dictator and a mandate to draft a new Constitution. As with<br />

Bismarck, with Napoleon, with Constantine the Great, almost his first<br />

step in the reform of the state was the restoration of a sound currency.<br />

On December 29, under the guidance of the French economist Jacques<br />

Rueff, the franc was again revalued, from 420 to the dollar to 493.706 to<br />

the dollar, and at this point thefranc was abolished in favor ofa new franc<br />

equivalent to 100 of the former. The restoration of stable currency, the<br />

resolution ofthe Algerian war, and the firmness ofthe de Gaulle rule now<br />

produced a remarkable economic resurgence. Within five years France<br />

regained its historic position as the political and economic leader of<br />

Europe.<br />

The French revival occurred along with the deterioration of the U. S.<br />

international position, which we have already charted, and was accompanied<br />

by a foreign policy of independence from, if not veiled hostility<br />

toward, the United States. From the days ofthe French Occupation, when<br />

de Gaulle was a young leader of the Free French forces, the proud and<br />

lofty Frenchman had never forgotten the cavalier treatment he had received<br />

from Churchill and Roosevelt; he continually referred to the "Anglo-Saxons"<br />

as an earlier age referred to the Mongols; he spoke frankly<br />

of the necessity of resisting "Anglo-Saxon imperialism" in Europe. He<br />

was the cause of rejection of the British from the European Com.mon<br />

Market-an economic and quasi-political association of France, Germany,<br />

Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, that had been<br />

created in 1957 with American sponsorship and blessing.* He reduced<br />

French support for the grand alliance forged by U. S. diplomacy, the<br />

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); and later offended U. S.<br />

sensibilities by entering into treaty relations with Red China, which was<br />

then abhorrent to American policy makers.<br />

What permitted de Gaulle to indulge his independence and veiled<br />

hostility toward theD. S. and enfeeble any diplomatic counter-reaction<br />

was, paradoxically, the French power to dictate U. S. monetary policy, the<br />

result in turn of the strengthening of the French monetary position at<br />

U. S. expense and the corresponding weakness of the U. S. monetary<br />

position.<br />

The Federal Reserve System heldnow less than $2.4 billion in free gold<br />

*Actually, an outgrowth of the Organization for European Economic Cooperation set up<br />

in 1948 to implement the Marshall Plan.

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