America's Money Machine

America's Money Machine

America's Money Machine


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of government obligations. There should be no removal of checks on the<br />

bank of issue against taking government obligations direct and not through<br />

the market. It was the exercise of the very kind of power which led to the<br />

currency and credit downfall in Germany and the ultimate destruction of the<br />

Reichsbank. I recommend that government financing direct through the<br />

central bank, except for unusual temporary advances, be prohibited in any<br />

bil1. 12<br />

Eccles' answer to this argument, which he stated in a speech at Scranton<br />

on May 5 and when he was finally called to testify on May 10 was that<br />

if the country did not approve the government's spending program, the<br />

place to curtail that program was through the ballot and not through the<br />

Federal Reserve System. So far as the German inflation was concerned,<br />

he pointed out that ifthe German government was prepared to appropriate<br />

money it -was equally prepared to change the Reichsbank law ifnecessary.<br />

Glass managed to delay action on the bill by absenting himselffrom the<br />

Senate until a crisis arose over theJuly 1 deadline by which bankers were<br />

expecting relief under Title III. Presidential influence was again brought<br />

to bear on July 2 and the bill eventually went to the President in August<br />

and was signed August 23.<br />

The bill, as enacted, contained most of what Eccles wanted, except the<br />

dilution of the requirements of eligibility for rediscount. In the House,<br />

where inflationary sentiment was rampant, a policy statement had been<br />

written in redefining the functions ofthe Federal Reserve System, broadening<br />

them to the point of giving it overall economic planning authority.<br />

The statement, offered as a new subsection (0) of Section 11, read as<br />

follows:<br />

It shall be the duty of the Federal Reserve Board to exercise such powers<br />

as it possesses in such manner as to promote conditions conducive to business<br />

stability and to mitigate by its influence unstabilizing fluctuations in the<br />

general level ofproduction, trade, prices, and employment, so far as may be<br />

possible within the scope of monetary action and credit administration.<br />

Representative Goldsborough offered a further amendment, that lost<br />

only by a vote of 128 to 122, extending the Committee's language to<br />

charge the Federal Reserve System with the duty of manipulating the<br />

money system so as to restore the purchasing power of the dollar to the<br />

1921-1929 level.<br />

In the Senate the policy declaration was deleted. The Senate also<br />

rejected the proposal, accepted by the House, repealing the requirement

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