America's Money Machine

America's Money Machine

America's Money Machine


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33.<br />

The Chute<br />


characterizes inflationary progress in the third century as a "chute."<br />

SomethinglikethatnowbeganintheU.S.-anacceleratingdropinthe<br />

purchasingpowerofthe irredeemable currency on which the economy had<br />

subsistedsince 1934.<br />

In October, 1960, a near panic had occurred in the exchanges with the<br />

London market price of gold rising to $41 an ounce, a premium of $6<br />

over the official price, before the Treasury was able to throw sufficient<br />

metal into the breach. The cost of maintaining the official parity of the<br />

dollar at $35 an ounce was the loss of 200 million ounces of gold from<br />

the Treasury stock. As usual, the cry arose laying the blame upon unpatriotic<br />

citizens, and President Eisenhower, as one of his last acts in office,<br />

issued an executive order forbidding U. S. citizens from owning gold<br />

anywhere in the world. In 1963, Congress followed up this autocratic act<br />

by passing the "interest equalization tax" on foreign securities sold in the<br />

U. S., as a measure to discourage American citizens transferring to foreigners<br />

dollar claims payable in gold. These official actions, and various<br />

so-called voluntary programs ofrestraint under official suasion, did little<br />

to counter the effect of a continually diluted currency. During 1961-65,<br />

the balance of payments deficit increased by nearly $13 billion, and another<br />

106 million ounces of. gold were paid out. The federal budget<br />

remained also in chronic imbalance, with a cumulative deficit for the years<br />

1960-65, inclusive, of $27 billion, of which half was financed by Federal<br />

Reserve purchases of Treasury securities.<br />


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