America's Money Machine

America's Money Machine

America's Money Machine


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The Fulcrum and the Lever 149<br />

banks themselves, which took occasion to reduce their own borrowings<br />

at the Reserve banks from $857 million to $314 million during the year<br />

1924. They soon began to get the idea, however, and encouraged by the<br />

reduction of the rediscount rate from 4.5 per cent to 3 per cent (in New<br />

York), they began again to borrow to increase their reserves, and their<br />

own lending power. By the end of 1927 they were again in debt by the<br />

amount of $609 million.<br />

When the central bank authorities became alarmed in 1928 over the<br />

results of their easy credit·policy, and attempted to halt the further<br />

expansion ofcredit, it was too late. As rapidly as the Reserve banks drew<br />

credit out ofthe banking system by the process ofselling bills and securities,<br />

it was siphoned back in by the banks increasing their own borrowing.<br />

By the end ofJuly, 1929, the Reserve banks had reduced the volume of<br />

their open market purchases to $222 million, but meantime member<br />

banks had increased their borrowings to $1,076 million, and when the<br />

Reserve authorities began to shake their fingers in warning, the head of<br />

the largest American bank replied by thumbing his nose and announcing<br />

that his institution would continue to support the security markets, and<br />

had $25 million to lend.<br />

The actual degree· to which the gold reserves of the Federal Reserve<br />

System were thinned out behind the deposit liabilities at any<br />

one time cannot be precisely stated as the gold holdings of the System<br />

support both deposit and note liabilities. On December 31, 1928,<br />

when the speculative frenzy was approaching a climax, the gold holdings<br />

of the System amounted to only $2,584,232,000 against note<br />

liabilities of $1,838,194,000 and total net deposit liabilities of member<br />

banks of $33,397 million. As the Federal Reserve Act required, as a<br />

minimum metallic reserve against notes issued, gold in amount equivalent<br />

to 40 per cent of note liabilities, or $735,277,000 at this date,<br />

the remaining gold holdings represented a· reserve of only slightly<br />

over 5.5 per cent of the total commercial deposit liabilities of the System.<br />

Actually, of the gold held by the Reserve banks, $1,307,437,000<br />

had been deposited as .security against notes issued, so that the remaining<br />

gold held by the Federal Reserve banks ($1,276,795,000)<br />

constituted a reserve of only 3.9 per cent against the total deposits of<br />

member banks.<br />

Not all the gold reserves of the country were concentrated in the<br />

Federal Reserve banks, nor, on the other hand, did the Federal Reserve<br />

System comprise the total banking power of the country. The greater<br />

number of banks were outside the System. At the end of 1928 the total

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