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View/Open - Drake University

View/Open - Drake University


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dido'( (ske control himself. He allouled Someone with good skills , gu allcad and lead. 1<br />

that is good leade~.ship."<br />

When looking at her own role as a member of the district leadership team, tl<br />

LuI,-iculun~ director Was quick to give credit to many partners. She mentioned the confidence<br />

\hoivn in her hy the previous superintendent as well as the support of all current<br />

adminiitrator\. She reported their attendance and participation in all in-senlice efforrs and<br />

saw that as a critical component of modeling for the teaching staff. The leadership shown by<br />

teachers \!.as also greatly valued. She said, "We are a small district and it is hard to hide in<br />

[he cornerc. Success breeds success. We try to recognize teachers who are doing good things<br />

b!l u\ing them as examples at in-services. We are not big enough to have lead teachers. Here<br />

uve are all lead teachers."<br />

Her opportunities to attend meetings and be trusted to lead the local district<br />

implementation efforts were a source of pride for this participant. When it became time to<br />

4uhmit the :lPR. \he kne\f. it her joh. The CSIP would he her responsibility as \yell. She<br />

unclc.r~lood [hi\. a\ did e\-eryone else. Bein: up to the task was ne\*er a question in anyone's<br />

[ilind. Shc Iiad their cornplcte confidence.<br />

A principal \\-a5 thankful for the opportunity to leam from his administrator partners<br />

and dc\cribcd hi\ leadership recponribilities in much the same nay others had reported.<br />

"Your staff i\ ~oing to model \lour beliefs." he stated. He tried to partner with his teachers in<br />

tlleir implcrncntation effonc. He believed teepinp lines of communication open and not<br />

"\pringing things on [he leachen" apere stillc he \vas continuins to learn from the elementq<br />

principal and his current superintendent. .4 final thoupht for this administrator centered on<br />

~~ndcr\t~~~di~~<br />

th:lt 11~ w:l\ 1~:~rning along \vilh his siaff. "I've lei~mcd -ills[ 3s much if not more<br />


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