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View/Open - Drake University

View/Open - Drake University


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lllcnl I1lt)IICl<br />

I 1,. !!OII ~011111 SLIIICC~C I lletii hy o\~cl-u~lielnlinf [hem. And si~nietimes ;is a slllall<br />

sc~,ool. \4c gc.l lhLi[ i;.clinf. Wc ;LIT jirr gctling squeezecl oi~t of exisrence." The high school<br />

Ivillci17:ll \.ica,cd lIlc Illand:llcs 11101.~ :I ICSLIII of pcl.ceplion. ad\,isinp legislators to "Get out of<br />

tllc pm.cq'fion [ ~ ~ 1 \ i l l ;111c1 ~ \ ~ illto tlic ~-c;tlity h~lsiness. He dicl not view le~islatoss as hilying<br />

iljc. ncccs>;il.>, insiglll\ 10 ~Ictc1.11iinc the qil;~lify of ecl~~cation heing delivesecl in a school<br />

[Iislljc~. I.c~;II~cIIc\~ of \lye.<br />

(_)rhcl- p;"-[icip;11ll\ ticd rhc sni;lll \chon1 iswe to finance and the economic<br />

cn\-irc)nnlcnt. "1 rhink 111~1r rhc!. I legisl;~toss) don't think the! can afford the number of<br />

Ji\[l.ic[s 111 rllc \tatc of' Ion a." \tared a middle school teacher. This staff member showed a<br />

I.~;,] st'n\c 01'1lic i~iiliol.~;~li~c 01' s~l~ool si7c ;IS he dcscrihcd her srudenr teaching experience in<br />

a lal-gc~. Io\+.;I \c.l~ool district. "Thing4 a]-c 30 cso\i.ded! Kids are rrying to find rhemsel\.es.<br />

Big scllocrl\ l ikc I~I;II ;ISC ~l.>.illg Ir) 11i;tkc. ~llc'~llscl\.es smallel- in an artificial \{a!.. The! make<br />

li\~lc Sroilj>\ \\ ill1 ;id\ i\ol.\ and lia\.c !;irnily unit4 40 tiid\ clon't feel iwlated." She continued.<br />

-.\!'c 111igI11 1 ~ 1 \ ~ I I) I . I I I KILI\ .II,L. I~~;L~IIIL*I. ,111 111~. IIII~L-. 'rllc! get \ie.k ol.cacli other..'<br />

J~,III\ \I,I~ 1 I)L.~Ic.\ r'cl 11it. It'\\ .I IL.;I\I.IIIII.C- IO bc 1111\lc~I ill ~hc'ir c*ontiJcnce in<br />

\t;in~la~.iii/c.~l I[.\IIII:: I~IIL.\ ~~I.OIL*\\L.(I<br />

LI I)L*IIL$~ r11;1r \L,\L%~;II l~-~i\l;~ror\ Ii;ic1 1~111lpcd on tlie<br />

~'cLIcI-;LI 171111(1\\ .1::,'11 .IIILI i.1 .I j\c.r~otl (11 IIIIIL. 11.1~1 1)\1111 c~lo~l;Ii \upl~orf 10 cn;\it ~n;lndulc.\.<br />

-I'llc~.~ \\';I\ ;I \ I I ~ ~ II)c.III.I I ~ 111.11 IIIC' IC*:_'I\~;IIIII.C' LIIJ 1101 11;1\~* ;I 11.11~ I>~CI~II.C' ot'\\h;11 f~>t'\ 011 in I ~ C<br />

c'~li~~.;~lio~i;~I \I[.III. It IL.II

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