View/Open - Drake University

View/Open - Drake University

View/Open - Drake University


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so5pccted ~c~islnli\~e nloti\.es of consolidating or closing small schools; (3) more formalized<br />

osscrsment psocrduses were developed and school reported becoming more data-driven. (4,<br />

"<br />

comlllo11 harriers of time and money existed, but change issues: teacher \.slue systelns. and<br />

teacller ti~sno\~es arere formidable issues as well: (5) skilled leadership was able to pafiner<br />

\\,ith te:sliing staff. the community. and outside agencies to successfully facilitate<br />

iIllplr.mentntion: (6) unintended consequences included increased workload for educators,<br />

di\:lppointnlent o\'er thc perceiImed lack of respect shown to teachers by policymakers, and a<br />

concern o\*er the potential losses of non-mandated programming; and (7) educators hoped<br />

future policy decisions \vould include more voice for those being impacted.<br />

Change \\.as difficult. It became even more so when intent. interpretation, and<br />

implementation \!.ere not conducted in partnership. While HF 2272 was one of the driving<br />

forces in lo\va school accountability. the rank and file educator was left at the local level to<br />

makc the m:indnte< meaningful to students, the community. and ultimately the state.<br />

Hawcl on the Jal;~ g;~rhcred for this stud\'. several conclusions \yere derived:<br />

COnclu\io!l 1 : \!'h;rl \\.en[ before proved critic31 lo \yhat came after.<br />

H! ltlc \ en definition of beins "octi\.e" school districts had a "jump stm" on the<br />

inlplcoien~;~tion of ne\v n1:lndntes. Inten.ieatee< were quick lo point out that their inclusion<br />

:~nd in\.ol\.cnicnr in school inipmvement initinti\.es. dniinp hack to the 1980s hod allo\ved for a<br />

comfm le\.cl III:II illo\ved for tnlst and confidence in 3 process to which they hod gman<br />

:~cci~\lonlcd. Effcclive lc:lcler.;hip nVns<br />

7773<br />

in place 31 multiple levels of the HF -- -<br />

illlplcmcnl;llil,n process. "rl;ln\f of these leaders hnd risen throurh the l ~ teaching d rinks and<br />

had c;lrncd ltlc rc\pccl ;,nd lm.;, of rducnton and conlnlunity nlenlbers.

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