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sLllxrintendents, Thc ~LI~JCI-~II~~II~CI~~<br />

concluded \.rrith. "There are things that legislators need to<br />

st;l)' (,~t of. I .illst know (kit _rt)od schools. good educators will do e\'erything they can to help<br />

kid5 sllcceecl. Gi\!en thc I-csou~.ces, most schools will do a pod job with kids."<br />

:l(i~,i(,o to / .~~,qi.~/~~fot-.v<br />

Stud\: pal-ticip;~nts dicf not hesitate to offer suggestions to legislators for possible<br />

inll~.~\.~ilc in future 1egisl:ttion. Some recommended educators have an opporrunitv to<br />

sent] 1;.cdl?ack to then1 about cursent mandates. u~hile others thought HF 2272 \vas flaued<br />

from the our,ct ;inJ I-easoncd this \\.as due primarily to the fact that little input was souzht<br />

fro111 ctlucarinnal p~.:ictitioncr-.; prior to enactment. An elementary principal offered this<br />

2dL.i~'~. ..I \f.oi~lcl tell them to he concerned about u.hat they want as a result. If there is a result<br />

that the\ \\.Lint. :I picture the> ha\,t. in their mind. then het that seal. L'se legislation to set the<br />

\.i.;ion 01' \i.li;~r it needs to look like and put some accountahilit~. with it. I don't care as long as<br />

it'4 1';tir. Then get tlic Iicll out of the \\.LI~!"<br />

:I 1111-'11 \i 110, 1 1 rc.ac.llc.r ;~;~.c'c*d II~OUI gc'ttins iecJb;~ck from cducatorh and \\.snt on tc?<br />

\ t )lc.cV 11c.1 i t IIIL.L-II~ .it\t)i~r ~~~il~i~~icicxi ~ii;r~icl;~~c~. "It- rlic\.'re gc~inz 1~1 ~tiake mandare> and ack for<br />

\j>c.c.i 1-IL 111111;\ ~llc'? \i ;IIII L~~IIIC-. 111;1hc. \LII.C 11ic rnonc\. i4 rhere tor it. If \011 don't fund thinzs. 1<br />

(lt111. I h~it )\\ 11, 11 L-\~L.L~~ I, ) ;L-I 11 cjonc or eioric \\ ~ 11.'- Other\ pro\.ided sil~~iI;~r<br />

concsrn<br />

;~l>(liil \I.II~~ ~JOIIL.! II~.I~L'I.\ 111.11 I-C'CILIII.~~ \\\ C - ~ I ~ ~CILI~;I~IIIII;II<br />

~ I I ~ c.hrlngs\ \\ith lirtlc input 11-01n<br />

;IL.IIL.II~?<br />

~ ~ I ~ ~ I c ~ \ ~ I ~ \ ~I'I1cs I I . I I \<br />

\C~II~C. 1'1.01ii lIli\ Sroilp \\;I\ I~;II<br />

the\ \!ere c~\n\t;tntly ;i\i;t.it Ic'di)<br />

111t11eb. \! 1111 Ic*\\. .IIICI I~II~IIIc-I~.<br />

10 111;lhr' L.II;II~;C 13~. ,111 i~i\tiliitioo 1h;11 ciicl no1 \alutl their sit-~~rr\.<br />

SOI~IL~<br />

I~;II-IIL I ~ I . I I ~ .IL-AII~\N<br />

~ \ l~,~i;:~-~i 111.11 \ L\IL~I.;III<br />

c L l ~ ~ ~ , I~ I~ I I t ~ ~ I ~ ~ I . \<br />

~-1100,t I IC;IVC [tic pr~>ress~t\n<br />

.1\ II~OIC. ,111(i II~I)IC* \\ .I\ . I \ ~ C . ~ I 01 II~C.I~I<br />

I.,III~C-I. r11;111 11;1\ C' 10 ,lL1.lllt 10 IICU I~I;~IIL~;IIC'~. TIic ~ylinion<br />

\\ .I\ 111.11 1R.l ll OlIll~ c~~~lL~,,lol~<br />

11,lLi ;lllc~lI1C'l~ [)tl.\\>C~.li\ C:<br />

. .<br />

1'c.t )[>It. 1 1111tl 1c-,i

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