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HF 2272 Ia,..L,,,L,,~,t~~n study<br />

Interview Protocol<br />

Fronl what YOU know, what are school improvement mandates (2272) intended to do;,<br />

How did YOU learn about the school improvement mandates (7772)<br />

-- , at first and as it<br />

Llnfc~lded'?<br />

TC]~ inc about ways that you think the district is really different as a result ofthe<br />

school imprc)\'c"lfl" fSOcess.<br />

How has your district's plan impacted your role as an administrator?<br />

would you say your school is more capable and willing to take on new<br />

challenges in the future?<br />

DO you feel your staff' had the necessar?. resources and skills to implement your distrid's<br />

pals?<br />

What did your district do to help you andlor others develop the skills. bowledge and<br />

attitildes needed?<br />

Were lhese pretty much in place prior to school improvement mandates or<br />

\+.ere they more a result of the mandates?<br />

DO >ro~l feel your school provided the necessary resources such as time, monev,<br />

expertise to implement school improvement mandates?<br />

\$'ere these pretty much in place prior to school impr~\~ement mandates or<br />

\\.ere they more a result of the mandates?<br />

Do you feel school improvement mandates served to "jump start" your district's<br />

rcfonn cffnrt~ or dicl it si~pplenient \shat you were already doing?<br />

1)id \choc\l improvement mandates diven time and rescurces from other reform<br />

cl'l'on\ soins on in rhc diwict before they \vere passed'!<br />

Share with me the process your district utilized to implement school improvement<br />

m;lndiitr~\.<br />

\{'11;1t \\c'rc' home of the supponq to the implementation process?<br />

\\'c.rc thr.,~ prett:. much in place prior to school impn?\.ement mandates @r<br />

14 crc rhcy niore 3 r ~~ult of the mandates?<br />

\\'liar ucrc \(>me of the bnrrien to the implementation process:<br />

:Ire l\lc\c lllll~h the s;lme barriers troth before and after the mandates?<br />

\\'h:~t mislit \ugge\t lo do differently the next time around?<br />

\Thy do !ou think the legislature enacted sch~l improvement mandates'<br />

\\'li;rt rlo vou tliink tIic\. S;I\V as the need'.'

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