View/Open - Drake University

View/Open - Drake University

View/Open - Drake University


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I~~l~?(/~~l of22 72<br />

Participants voiced distinct impressions about how they believed their individual roles<br />

shifted as a result of HF 2272. The elementary principal stated. "I now ha1.e the hard data.<br />

It's not just a feeling that we're doing well, not just that our parents are telling me u:e are<br />

cloing \l;ell. Nous I can base decisions on data we can look at." These sentiments were similar<br />

n,ith others in the district as they described their vivid memories of the district's climate.<br />

expectations for student achievement, and the earliest efforts at school irnpro\.ement.<br />

The superintendent of District A was described by another area superintendent as. ". . .<br />

the best small school superintendent in the state." It is clearly apparent that the other<br />

p~trticipants also held him in \.cry high regard. The high school principal stated, "Our<br />

superintendent kno\\rs I-Iouse File 2272. He knew \\.hat we were already doing. and he knows<br />

I-Io\I. 10 continuousl!; make us betrer. E\.en if there were no legislative mandate. I think u,e'd<br />

\till he prngl-essi\.t. in doins thin_rs risht." Long-time \.eterans of the district often u.ent back<br />

ro 'SO. I2 ;~nd 'SO. IS ;I\ 111~1s pcr\c~nal \I;LII~II~ points for school impro\-ement. The!. \-ieu.tld<br />

tIi;it Ic~:_'~\lat~on a\ tllc III~~>CILI\ 1.01- \\\.ecpinf chany within District .A.<br />

It \\ ;I\ ;I[ rIi;~t 1111ie tliat tllr'!. repol-ted rc';lll!. I*tanin_r to look at \\-here the!. \\.ere as a<br />

C~I\~I.IL.I ;111~1 \\ Ilc*~.c- IIIC! nc'c-~lc~i 10 I>c hci~iling. In i'xt. \\.hen describins the culture of their<br />

~II\II.IL.I IJ~IOI. 10 2272. III\I~~I.IC~I~ pcs~pccti\ e \\:is c ~ III:~~OI. i i~~ipcv-~;lrice to nun!. of the<br />

I I I I L I ; I . c e l l<br />

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e n d in he dtrct For se\.eraI.<br />

11 I\ ;I\ IIIL* ~)111\ . . 101> t11~-\ 11.1~1 L ,\~I. k~io\i 11. OIIC C'~~IIICIII;I~\. tc;icher rcponed. "I \\.;IS 50 hrlpp!.<br />

1i1\1 10 gc-t 111) 111\1 101~. I I to I I I I I I rt'rnt'rnt~c~' rclling nl) d;td that 1.~1<br />

on!! IJL* 111 1 )1\11nc.t ;\ III~III I \;I\ cb~l ~ ~ I I O L I I~~oII~,!. ~ I ~ 10 20 CoIos;~c10. Tliiit \\ ;\.\ t\\.c~it!-ei~h~<br />

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\CIIL~L>I psi~~cip,iI \\ l~ilc<br />

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