View/Open - Drake University

View/Open - Drake University

View/Open - Drake University


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stLlclcn[s. Il~alth of' the q~lclcn[ (In testins cl?Iy. Il~ltritiOnal en\.ironment of the child, and se\.eral<br />

Otllcl f':tctoss n,cl.c felt [his educsto1 10 he huge factors in high-stakes testing. e\peciallv to<br />

]un:;l.s smnllcs[ districts u'hc1.c the pel-hl-lllance ofiust a feu students had such a hure inlpact<br />

on gl-;ide-lc\jcl scoscs.<br />

The ~11pc1-intcnd~nl ~iccused the le_rislature, with their emphasis on standardi7,ed<br />

tc5ti11g. c,f I'o~-ci~if S C ~ ~ N dis[ric[s ~ I 10 play u,hat he calls the "Iowa Game." He belie\.ed<br />

districts \t.el.c cncou~.a~ctl to get their cllildsen o\.es the In\i.est bar. By getting just a small<br />

pcl-ccnt~iye marc o \'~I. th:it I()\~'cs~ bar each year. you &.ere [hen deemed a L rood district, .-TJ-,~<br />

r~1lc.s of the ~ ; I I I I ;re. ~ "'C"\C' 201 to he casefill not 10 \el our goals too high or n.e might miss<br />

the [aryct ancl I~c tolcl \!'c ~1l.c' ;I b;ld district. SO u.e \et lo\[. goals. so \+.hen ive make it. the\; tell<br />

. .<br />

11s \j.c ar-c. :I good distr-ic.1. $rate\ thi\ supel-intendent. He sai!. it. as the same game [hev'\-e<br />

pl:i\.cd in Tcz;~\. i~nd tk:~rt.cl it \\.ill $0011 become [he ".i\rnerican Game."<br />

;I I)CI.\OII;I~ \IIIISCI~ for I hi4 ;~~i~iliiii\tr;~tr)s \\.LL\ the in~'re;~\~iJ re~;o~rccs [hat m"s[ be<br />

\I)~-III 10 ?L-I ILI\I 011~- 1111 1~~1. ~ I L I L ~ L ~ I cr ~ I tll:~t lo\~c~t pr(>f-~~.ienc!. bar. jf'ith bu5ine,s leaders<br />

i.I,~~~~hl~~~ig<br />

I L ~ .I I \\ t':l~i L . I . I \ ~ i.~l~li.~[lrjl~ III To\\ 'I. thC \upc'rinrcnJrnt lamenred. "\That are \i.e<br />


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