View/Open - Drake University

View/Open - Drake University

View/Open - Drake University


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lili1c f'o~ thcil regular. ili~tics. let alonc tinic to aditsess new mandates. Wflilc tertclters \yere<br />

si~tisficil u'ith tt~c i~nclel-strtndi~ig exhibited by nclmini~tratiun about time cc>nstl.airtts. they diri<br />

oftcnt intcs Ikcl ~il lt~c?s t o\~crwhelmed uvith ~s.hat the! \!.ere being asked to do. ,A secondarv<br />

rcncllcr s~iticcl. "It 5cc.rns likc ~ ~ou add thincrs to yotls plate. but they never take anything else<br />

a\s.a!,. 7'hc pl~~tc kccps getting fuller.." The superintendent enipatllizt.dl "l?'e'd like to hm1.e<br />

more limc li)r pet,ptc. M'C'IT been able to buy some time at ni~ht and in the summers. I dcsn't<br />

tllink \ye COLIIJ e\.cr pso\.id~ cnottgh rcsc3usces in regards to time for people." jyhile not<br />

Ic~iicfly cnn~plailiirl_r. mLtn), par-ticipants in this tiny district did openly refer to the many --hats"<br />

illat nijt only tt~e~.. hilt alxn their collca_rues w~se. Teacller-s tctlked about heir class loads,<br />

:th\ignrnents. committee duties. and assorted other responsibilities. ,Adininistratoss<br />

iil>l.~ r;ttr~llt. coached. scr\.ed 2s athletic director and had their 0n.n '-esrsa" assignments. Both<br />

the c.u~-ric~i~li~~ii ~list'ctos ;trlcI ;1swss111erit cuordin;~tos sesveci as a teacher or disrricr-\vide<br />

~~~iili~~iic ~oi~rlseli\r. Si) \{hilc tirnc that \\.a\ clllu\t.ed L~otlt durir,? the .scfinaf day and after<br />

11(b1111.11 \c 11, tol t1,1111-\ (1s ill 111~- \ilrilliicr ilk 2sc';11ly appreciated ~ind \\.ell arrendcd.<br />

111 I.lc.t. \\ tillc 111~- c.cIllicbl)t (\I' 13;11-rii'r\ 10 \ illtl~~l impso\ ement \\a4 nien~ioned hy 211<br />

!\,IIII~.I~),~I~~\.<br />

11 \\.I\ 110r ~ ( I I I ~ L ~ I ~IIc.,!~ I ~ I I L~\\L~IIcLI<br />

~ ~ (111 ;II Icrl~tl~. Hcl\.in? tlic \eli\e of doing nlore<br />

1177<br />

\\ 1111 u 111 \t> 111,tri!, 01 ~IC.*I. II~III:I~I\ L,\ ~ii;i~Ic [lie i~~~~~Ic~~icr~t;~tic~n<br />

t~11. IIII\ \ I ~ t I ~ II~L*<br />

()I)\ I O ~ I \ ~li~;~~~~~oi~it~i~e~~r~<br />

;I\>~VII [lie 1;1ck ti~iie 2nd nl~mcy<br />

~t HF -- ! - b~1qine3~ as usu~l<br />

\\.ere [!.pic21<br />

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I I ~ O I . t111i~li1c<br />

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L.OIIL.L>I.II 01. tlii\ gst1~1p \\.;I\ tt~e i~ttriti~~rl (>t te;~ct~in: st~i1.f<br />

I I t L I I I<br />

I I t I I I I I C L ~ ~ I I I I I Sl-wnJins . [he rirlic.<br />

IIII~\~~.IIIL'I~~II~~<br />

II~.II~~~.IIL'\ 011l\. It' I~.I\c.' Illc t11gI1 \~11001 111:1111 tt'.~itl~~. IL',I\c irt';i~?cf s ()I~I~<br />

L.I~,IIIL~I~;QL~\ t o 1 I I ~ \!I\II-I~.I<br />

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'1'11~' \\111 I I ~ C 111~11 \

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