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7<br />

mission (Bklss A\'olio- 1994). There was a vinuallv unanimous sentiment i,,,,<br />

s~~pesintendent-le* it would he very difficult to ''move the staff fom,ard.3. Other district<br />

ndminislrato~s expressed the ~entrality of leadership as [he imponance of his or her 66u,eioht.,<br />

t<br />

in rllovinf the distl-ict. One pl-incipal appreciated the superintendent as the<br />

people accou~llahlc for lheir pieces of the effon." A curriculum director \raJued a<br />

108<br />

'6holds<br />

superintendent who undel-stood the balance between being, on the one hand, a "good listener1'<br />

and "\!rillin_r I0 let the process develop" and on the other hand, also always there to "make<br />

sure the process \!.as mo\.ins forward."<br />

Other roles of the superintendent were often done in partnership with the curriculum<br />

director. Together they gleaned information from various sources, they served in the role of<br />

interpreter of state policy and procedures for the district, and they chose how and when to<br />

communicate \\,hat they had learned to other district practitioners. This was particularly<br />

necessary in slnall districts ivhere curriculum people were also depended upon to either teach<br />

or I I .<br />

IZttcnd;~ncc ;it inl'omiational meetings was a shared duty. often dependent on<br />

\\.ho c.ould ,part the timc. But it \!.as through these meetings that all districts reported<br />

~rtlaining rhc inforr~iaric~=~ or Ic~ming ~vhnt other districts were doins.<br />

Once hack in [hc 11onle district. it \vas apin the role of the superintendent and<br />

curriculllnl direclor (0 interpret and niake sense of the e\7er-changinp procedurd guidelines<br />

from [lie st;llc ;ind to dc\.e]op. or re-derehp. 3 plan I@ the new procedures and<br />

cffcc[i\.e Fi\.en Otllcr district initiatives. Finally. it was the role of the superintendent Or<br />

curriculLlln director to dircc[ tile cffons at financing the inlplementarion-<br />

~-ri~in~, or 111c alloca[ion Of resources such 3s time<br />

money.<br />

thmueh elnnt

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