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. 'vided. "I IJal-entS are sitting back and thinking the. ., , d , Knowing good<br />

things arc foine on here." offered a secondary teacher.<br />

The mandates HF 227? warranted little Concern from small districts that had a long<br />

hlst(3l-y of enfafins their patrons not only in district planning efforts and informational<br />

nleetinfs. hut Were \'cry comfol~able in serving as the gathering place for \rarious community<br />

act .i\'ities that had nothing to do with school. There was a real sense that the community had<br />

tnourn for a long time not only what was going on with the school, bur because of the very<br />

intimate setting. often what was going on with individual students. An elementary teacher<br />

summed up her feelings in this way. "We are like a family. If something is going on with a<br />

child. it affects all of us." It was a clear belief that the public wanted and deserved to know<br />

how efforts to change the school would effect the teaching, learning, and well-being of the<br />

district's children (Cohen & Hill. 2001). The small school districts and the communities that<br />

support them talk about "their" children and seemed to know intuitively how organizations,<br />

3 ~ila>.bc cspcciall!. small schools. could be best conceived as "social or~anisms." Scott<br />

( IOc)K) \peaks of larger jurisdictions but makes the point that in such organizations.<br />

.*intcrc.onncctic>ns are so complex and dimly understood that planning always risks<br />

unkncn~.ingl!. cutting into its living tissue" (p. 139).<br />

B(i ~-ricr.~<br />

The f;lilllre to recoCnize hidden constraints during the planning stage-<br />

thenl disco,vcred \yell inlo the implementation phase (Majone 6 Wildavsk!- 1977'<br />

112<br />

to hare<br />

intervieu,ces. ~ ~ \ pnrticipnnts . ~ ~ mentioned ~ l the perceived "stafls md stops" throughout the<br />

i,,,p~enlcnt;llion prc>cess, but clearly the most formidable harrierS<br />

nloncy, tllc ch;lnge proccss. and tcncher turn@\'er.<br />

"'ere lime.

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